INTIMACY Archives - Sunrise News Sunrise Sun, 26 May 2024 06:07:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 INTIMACY Archives - Sunrise News 32 32 155014516 MARRIAGE 105 Sun, 26 May 2024 06:07:55 +0000 Be careful with the person who is giving you marital advice. My Grandmother used to say, “Ko si eni to mo adun igbeyawo bi o ba dan wo ni emeji”. That is, no one who has not been married twice can tell what marriage truly is. No one prays for divorce, but to the best […]

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Be careful with the person who is giving you marital advice. My Grandmother used to say, “Ko si eni to mo adun igbeyawo bi o ba dan wo ni emeji”. That is, no one who has not been married twice can tell what marriage truly is.

No one prays for divorce, but to the best of my knowledge, those who understand what marriage truly is are the individuals who have been married more than once either as a Man or a Lady.

Most of the people who are married once and still in the marriage are not enjoying their marriage; don’t let anyone deceive you.

This post is a result of a conversation I had with a friend recently and my friend said; “Satan is attacking marriages and the Christians need to pray”. I was upset when I heard that. Only the Christians especially the Born Again Christians -BAC- that goes about shouting Satan is attacking marriages. How come Satan is not attacking the Muslim marriages, the Hindu marriages, the Traditional worshipper’s marriages etc? How come it’s only the Christian marriages that are being attacked?

There are so many wrong teachings in the church about marriage. And it breaks my heart when I see someone suffering in his or her marriage and yet faithing it because he or she is a Pastor, church leader or even a member and the person doesn’t want people to mock him or her.

I saw a video of a Pastor who abused and molested his wife for so many years until the Lady killed herself. A man of God’s wife was once very sick to the point of death simply because of the silence the husband silent her from having a say in the marriage and the verbal/public abuse the husband was melting on her all in the name of preaching, most importantly when teaching about marriage. According to the Man of God, the Bible says, he is the head of the house and whatever he says is final. My question is, “What kind of a head are you when your brain is not working as a Man?” I once heard the man of God say, “My words are final in my house. When I spoke, everyone aligned themselves including my Wife”.

That sounds good in the ear but never good for the heart. Most especially when you said that in a large congregation of people, your Wife is sitting right there. That’s a slap on her face and a total disrespect to her person. You just made the entire congregation realize that she doesn’t have a say in the marriage, her place is to listen to you and do whatever you command her to do. That’s a Master-slave relationship, that’s not a marriage.

When the woman came back from the land of the dead, she fought the Man of God systematically to deliver herself. The Wife would have left him, but doing so would be the end of their ministry empire. We have no idea what many people are going through in their marriages and that is the main reason why I tell people to be careful with those who are painting their marriages to be heaven on earth. Someone is paying a hard price with his or her life to keep the marriage together; as the Man of God’s wife later said, “There is peace in the marriage not because the Man is right all the time, but because someone chooses to allow peace to reign”. That was the end of the man’s bragging.

It’s not wise when your son becomes your competitor. No child will ever go against the parents who have his or her house in order.

The best marital advice we can get is the one we give ourselves, and that depends on the soundness of our hearts and the functionality of our brains. Stop listening to people who are suffering in their marriage or abusing their spouse and still projecting themselves as a saint. I’m not judging and I will never do such. I’m only helping you to see the reality of life. Go and watch the movie “The Counselor”. It’s a true-life movie I think.

I know people are in the habit of judging others with marital status and bearing children, it’s a way of ridiculing someone to believe that his/her life is incomplete without a husband, wife or children. Please note that many are married and depressed and some are even on the verge of committing suicide due to societal pressure, abuse, neglect or maltreatment from their spouse. Visit mental homes, the majority of the people there are there due to marital or relationship challenges, especially the Ladies.

Place your mental well-being above every other thing and person. Don’t allow anyone to pressure you or make you feel ashamed of the person you are. Give your heart only to that one person who appreciates you and values you above all other things and persons. Don’t give up on your dreams or career because of a marriage. Don’t turn your back on the good people who wish you well because your spouse-to-be doesn’t like them. Anyone who cuts you off your good associations and false you to give up on your dreams, career and aspirations will end up destroying you and abandoning you to yourself. Wake up.

Marriage is good only when you are married to someone who wishes you the best and supports you to be the best you can be. Anything outside of that is your prison yard. Escape if you have enough sense.

The belief that God created man to be more important and above woman in creation and in marriage is a controversial and debated topic among different religious traditions. In Christianity, there are varying interpretations of the relationship between men and women based on different passages in the Bible. Similarly, in Islam, there are differing interpretations of the roles and status of men and women in marriage and society.

In Christianity, some interpretations of certain biblical passages suggest that man was created first and woman was created from man, leading to the belief that man holds a position of authority over woman. However, other interpretations emphasize the equality of men and women in the eyes of God, citing passages that highlight the importance of mutual respect, love, and partnership in marriage.

In Islam, the Quran teaches that men and women are equal in the sight of God and that both have rights and responsibilities in marriage and society. While there are differences in the roles and responsibilities of men and women in Islam, the overarching principle is one of mutual respect, cooperation, and support in marriage and family life.

It is important to note that interpretations of religious texts and teachings can vary among individuals and religious scholars, and cultural and societal factors can also influence beliefs about gender roles and relationships. Ultimately, many religious traditions emphasize the importance of mutual respect, love, and partnership between men and women in marriage and in all aspects of life.

There are many reasons why women may choose to remain in a bad marriage, including:

Cultural or religious beliefs: Some women may feel pressure from their cultural or religious community to stay in the marriage, even if it is unhealthy or abusive.

Fear of judgment: Women may worry about what others will think if they leave their marriage, and may fear being judged or stigmatized for their decision.

Hope for change: Some women may hold onto the hope that their spouse will change or that the relationship will improve over time.

Emotional attachment: Women may have a deep emotional attachment to their spouse and may find it difficult to let go of the relationship, even if it is causing them harm.

Lack of support: Women may feel isolated and may lack the support they need to leave the marriage, whether it be from friends, family, or community resources.

It Is important to remember that every individual’s situation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to why women may choose to remain in a bad marriage. It is important for women in this situation to seek support and guidance from trusted friends, family members, or professionals to help them make the best decision for themselves and their well-being.
The spiritual implications of a wife not being happy with her husband can vary depending on the beliefs and values of the individuals involved. In some spiritual traditions, marriage is seen as a sacred union that is meant to be honored and respected, and unhappiness in a marriage may be viewed as a test of faith or a challenge to overcome through prayer, forgiveness, and patience.

On the other hand, some spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of personal happiness and well-being, and may encourage individuals to seek out healthy and fulfilling relationships, even if that means ending a marriage that is causing unhappiness and suffering.

Ultimately, the spiritual implications of a wife not being happy with her husband will depend on the specific beliefs and values of the individuals involved, as well as their understanding of their spiritual teachings and principles. It is important for individuals in this situation to seek guidance and support from their spiritual community, as well as from trusted friends, family members, or professionals, to help them navigate the challenges they may be facing in their marriage.

In many spiritual traditions, the way a person treats their spouse, particularly their wife, is seen as a reflection of their character and their relationship with the divine. If a man is not treating his wife well, it can have spiritual implications that may hinder his prayers or connection with the divine for several reasons:

Lack of respect: Treating one’s spouse with disrespect or cruelty goes against the principles of many spiritual teachings, which emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and kindness towards others. If a man is not treating his wife well, it may indicate a lack of respect for her as a person and for the sacred bond of marriage.

Disharmony in the relationship: A marriage is meant to be a partnership based on mutual respect, love, and support. If a man is not treating his wife well, it can create disharmony and conflict in the relationship, which can affect his spiritual well-being and connection with the divine.

Hypocrisy: If a man claims to be a devout follower of a spiritual tradition but does not treat his wife well, it can be seen as hypocritical behavior that goes against the values and teachings of that tradition. Hypocrisy can create a barrier between a person and their spiritual practice, hindering their prayers and spiritual growth.

Karmic consequences: Some spiritual traditions believe in the concept of karma, which suggests that our actions have consequences that affect our spiritual well-being and future experiences. If a man mistreats his wife, he may be accumulating negative karma that can hinder his prayers and spiritual progress.

Ultimately, the way a man treats his wife can have profound spiritual implications that may affect his prayers and relationship with the divine. It is important for individuals to reflect on their behavior, seek forgiveness and reconciliation where necessary, and strive to cultivate love, respect, and compassion in their relationships.

When a man hurts his wife, whether emotionally, physically, or psychologically, it can have significant spiritual implications for him. Some of the potential consequences include:

Guilt and remorse: Hurting a spouse can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse, which can weigh heavily on a person’s conscience and spiritual well-being. These negative emotions can hinder a man’s ability to connect with his spiritual beliefs and practices.

Broken trust and damaged relationships: Hurting a spouse can damage the trust and intimacy in the relationship, leading to feelings of distance and disconnection. This can also impact a man’s spiritual connection, as healthy relationships are often seen as a reflection of one’s spiritual well-being.

Negative karma: In some spiritual traditions, the concept of karma suggests that our actions have consequences that affect our spiritual well-being and future experiences. Hurting one’s spouse can create negative karma that may impact a man’s spiritual growth and development.

Separation from the divine: Hurting a spouse can create a barrier between a person and their spiritual beliefs or practices. Feelings of guilt, shame, and disconnection from one’s partner can also lead to a sense of separation from the divine or higher power.

Loss of spiritual integrity: Hurting a spouse can be seen as a violation of spiritual principles such as love, compassion, and respect for others. This can lead to a loss of spiritual integrity and a sense of dissonance between one’s actions and beliefs.

It is important for a man who has hurt his wife to take responsibility for his actions, seek forgiveness, and work towards healing and reconciliation in the relationship. This may involve seeking counseling, therapy, or guidance from spiritual leaders to address the underlying issues that led to the hurtful behavior and to work towards personal growth and spiritual renewal.
The consequences of a wife hurting her husband can vary depending on the severity of the hurt and the dynamics of their relationship. Some potential consequences may include:

Damage to the trust and intimacy in the relationship: When a wife hurts her husband, it can lead to a breakdown in trust and intimacy between them. The husband may struggle to trust his wife again, leading to feelings of betrayal and resentment.

Emotional and psychological impact: The husband may experience a range of negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, and confusion, as a result of being hurt by his wife. This can have a significant impact on his mental health and well-being.

Communication breakdown: Hurtful actions or words can lead to a breakdown in communication between the wife and husband. This can make it difficult for them to resolve conflicts and work through their issues effectively.

Relationship strain: The hurt caused by the wife can put a strain on the relationship, leading to increased tension and conflict. This can create a toxic environment that is detrimental to both partners’ emotional and physical well-being.
Potential separation or divorce: In some cases, the hurt caused by the wife may be so severe that it leads to a breakdown of the marriage. If the husband is unable to forgive his wife or move past the hurt, it may ultimately lead to separation or divorce.

Overall, the consequences of a wife hurting her husband can be significant and long-lasting. It is important for both partners to communicate openly, seek support, and work towards healing and reconciliation in order to rebuild their relationship.

Sam Adeoye

The post MARRIAGE 105 appeared first on Sunrise News.

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MARRIAGE 102 Sun, 05 May 2024 04:39:00 +0000 When I was much younger, I used to ask my parent that, if Jesus is the son of God, and God is the Father of Jesus, who then is the mother of Jesus? The only answer I ever got was, “Don’t try to unravel God’s mysteries”. I kept asking this question until some years back […]

The post MARRIAGE 102 appeared first on Sunrise News.

When I was much younger, I used to ask my parent that, if Jesus is the son of God, and God is the Father of Jesus, who then is the mother of Jesus? The only answer I ever got was, “Don’t try to unravel God’s mysteries”. I kept asking this question until some years back when I was studying and I came across two powerful scriptures…

a.         Matt 6:10, Your kingdom come. You will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

b.         Mark 12:25, For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

One could easily say that in heaven, there is no marriage, everyone lives like an angel in heaven as Jesus Christ said. Well, there is no clear answer to this when it comes to religion claims as it is a matter of personal belief and interpretation of religious teachings. Some religions and belief systems suggest that marriage is a sacred bond that continues into the afterlife, while others believe that relationships in heaven are different from those on Earth. Ultimately, it is up to individual interpretation and belief. Now, if everyone lives like an angel in heaven, how does the angel multiply in number?

In Gen 6:1-2, it was said; “Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.” The truth is, the angels of the Lord that came to sleep with the daughters of Men never married the Ladies, they only slept with them. The idea of marrying someone properly never came into play until Abraham sent his servant to get a Wife for Isaac in Gen 24:1-10, 50-53; “Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had, “Please, put your hand under my thigh, and I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell; but you shall go to my country and my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac.” And the servant said to him, “Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I take your son back to the land from which you came?” But Abraham said to him, “Beware that you do not take my son back there. The Lord God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and the land of my family, and who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, ‘To your descendants, I give this land,’ He will send His angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there. And if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be released from this oath; only do not take my son back there.” So the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and swore to him concerning this matter. Then the servant took ten of his master’s camels and departed, for all his master’s goods were in his hand. And he arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor…Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, “The thing comes from the Lord; we cannot speak to you either bad or good. Here is Rebekah before you; take her and go, and let her be your master’s son’s wife, as the Lord has spoken.” And it came to pass, when Abraham’s servant heard their words, that he worshipped the Lord, bowing himself to the earth. Then the servant brought out jewellery of silver, jewellery of gold, and clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave precious things to her brother and her mother.”

The concept of God not having a wife is rooted in various religious beliefs and interpretations. In many monotheistic religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, God is often described as being singular, omnipotent, and transcendent, existing beyond human comprehension and earthly limitations. In these belief systems, God is seen as the ultimate creator and source of all existence and is not bound by human characteristics or relationships.

In Christianity, for example, God is often referred to as the Father and is believed to be a divine being who exists in a trinity of Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. The idea of God having a wife or partner is not part of traditional Christian theology.

Similarly, in Islam, God is believed to be singular and without partners, as stated in the Quran: “Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent’” (Quran 112:1-4).

In Judaism, the concept of God having a wife is not part of mainstream beliefs, as God is seen as the only divine being who created the universe and established a covenant with the Jewish people.

Overall, the idea of God not having a wife is based on the belief in a singular, transcendent, and omnipotent deity who exists beyond human relationships and earthly limitations. It is a fundamental aspect of many monotheistic religions and their understanding of the nature of God.

Now, the question of whether or not Jesus Christ had a wife is a topic of debate and speculation among scholars and theologians. In traditional Christian beliefs, Jesus is often portrayed as a celibate figure who devoted his life to his ministry and mission on Earth. There is no mention in the Bible or other canonical Christian texts of Jesus being married or having a wife.

The New Testament Gospels, which are the primary sources of information about the life and teachings of Jesus, do not provide any evidence or mention of Jesus being married. The focus of the Gospels is on Jesus’ teachings, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection, rather than his personal relationships or marital status.

Some scholars and historians have suggested that Jesus may have been married, based on interpretations of certain non-canonical texts or historical evidence. For example, the discovery of the so-called “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife,” a fragmentary text that mentions the wife of Jesus, has sparked debate and controversy among scholars. However, the authenticity and interpretation of this text are still subject to scholarly scrutiny and debate.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Jesus had a wife remains a matter of speculation and interpretation, as there is no definitive evidence or consensus on the issue. In traditional Christian beliefs, Jesus is revered as the Son of God and the saviour of humanity, regardless of his marital status. His teachings, actions, and sacrificial death are central to Christian faith and theology, rather than his relationships.


In Love 1 Cor 13 Apostle Paul said; “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, and I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Love in a marriage is a profound connection between two individuals that involves mutual respect, trust, understanding, and support. It is a commitment to each other’s well-being and happiness, and a willingness to work through challenges and difficulties together. Love in a marriage is about caring for each other, being there for each other in good times and bad, and continuously nurturing and strengthening the bond between partners. It involves communication, compromise, and a willingness to grow and evolve together as a couple. Love in a marriage is a partnership built on shared values, goals, and a deep emotional connection that sustains and enriches the relationship over time.


Again in Eph 5:21, Apostle Paul said; “submitting to one another in the fear of God.“ Submission in a marriage is a concept that can be interpreted in different ways depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. In some traditional or religious contexts, submission may refer to the idea of one partner (often the wife) deferring to the other partner’s (often the husband’s) authority or decision-making. This can be based on the belief that the husband is the head of the household and the wife should be obedient and respectful towards him. Just as it was said in Eph 5:22-24 that; “Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their husbands in everything.”

However, in modern relationships, the concept of submission is often viewed in a more egalitarian way. It can be seen as mutual respect and consideration for each other’s needs, feelings, and opinions. It involves listening to and valuing each other’s perspectives, making decisions together, and supporting each other in achieving individual and shared goals.

Ultimately, submission in a marriage should be based on mutual respect, trust, and communication, where both partners feel heard, valued, and supported in the relationship. It should not be about one partner exerting power or control over the other, but rather about working together as equals to build a strong and healthy partnership.


Finance in marriage refers to the management of money and financial resources within a marital relationship. It involves making decisions about income, expenses, savings, investments, and financial goals as a couple. Effective financial management is important in a marriage as it can impact the stability and well-being of the relationship.

Some key aspects of finance in marriage include:

1.         Budgeting: Creating a budget together to track income and expenses, prioritize spending, and save for future goals.

2.         Communication: Open and honest communication about financial matters, including income, debts, and financial goals.

3.         Joint or separate finances: Deciding whether to combine finances, keep them separate, or use a combination of both approaches.

4.         Financial goals: Setting and working towards common financial goals, such as buying a home, saving for retirement, or paying off debt.

5.         Financial roles: Determining who will be responsible for managing finances, paying bills, and making financial decisions within the marriage.

6.         Emergency fund: Establishing an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or financial setbacks.

7.         Long-term planning: Planning for the future, including retirement savings, estate planning, and insurance coverage.


Couples need to have open and honest discussions about finances, set financial goals together, and work as a team to manage their money effectively to build a strong financial foundation for their marriage.


In the context of marriage, a dream can refer to the shared aspirations, goals, and visions that a couple has for their life together. These dreams can encompass a wide range of areas, including personal growth, family, career, lifestyle, and more. Having shared dreams in a marriage can help strengthen the bond between partners and provide a sense of purpose and direction in their relationship.

Some common examples of dreams in a marriage may include:

1. Building a happy and healthy family together.

2. Achieving financial stability and security.

3. Advancing in careers and supporting each other’s professional goals.

4. Traveling and exploring new places together.

5. Owning a home or starting a business.

6. Making a positive impact in the community or society.

7. Growing old together and enjoying a fulfilling retirement.

Having shared dreams in a marriage can help couples stay connected, motivated, and focused on working together towards a common vision for their future. It can also provide a sense of unity and purpose in the relationship, as partners support each other in pursuing their individual and shared dreams.


In the context of marriage, a vision refers to the shared goals, values, and aspirations that a couple has for their relationship and future together. It involves creating a clear picture of what they want their marriage to look like and the direction in which they want to grow as a couple. A shared vision in a marriage can provide a sense of purpose, unity, and motivation for both partners to work towards common goals and build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

Some key aspects of a vision in a marriage may include:

1.         Shared values: Identifying and aligning core values that will guide decision-making and behaviour within the relationship.

2.         Relationship goals: Setting goals for the relationship, such as communication, intimacy, trust, and support, and working together to achieve them.

3.         Personal growth: Supporting each other’s personal growth and development, both individually and as a couple.

4.         Family planning: Discussing and planning for important milestones such as starting a family, raising children, and supporting each other as parents.

5.         Financial goals: Setting financial goals and plans for the future, such as saving for a home, retirement, or other shared expenses.

6.         Lifestyle choices: Making decisions about lifestyle preferences, such as where to live, how to spend free time, and how to balance work and personal life.

Having a shared vision in a marriage can help couples stay connected, motivated, and focused on building a strong and fulfilling relationship. It provides a roadmap for the future, guiding partners in making decisions that align with their shared goals and values. Communication, collaboration, and mutual support are key in creating and maintaining a shared vision in a marriage.


Treating in-laws in a marriage with respect, kindness, and understanding is important for maintaining healthy relationships and harmony within the family. Here are some tips on how to navigate relationships with in-laws in a marriage:

1.         Communicate openly and respectfully: Effective communication is key to building positive relationships with in-laws. Be open, honest, and respectful in your interactions, and make an effort to listen to their perspectives and concerns.

2.         Set boundaries: It’s important to establish boundaries with in-laws to maintain a healthy balance in your relationships. Communicate your expectations and limits, and be willing to assert yourself if necessary.

3.         Show appreciation and gratitude: Expressing gratitude and appreciation for your in-laws can go a long way in fostering positive relationships. Show them kindness, respect, and consideration, and acknowledge their efforts and contributions to your family.

4.         Be inclusive: Make an effort to include your in-laws in family activities and events, and involve them in decision-making processes when appropriate. This can help strengthen your bond and create a sense of unity within the family.

5.         Respect differences: Recognize that your in-laws may have different beliefs, values, and traditions than your own. Be respectful of their perspectives and cultural backgrounds, and try to find common ground to build understanding and acceptance.

6.         Seek support: If you’re facing challenges in your relationships with in-laws, don’t hesitate to seek support from your partner, a trusted friend, or a therapist. Having a support system can help you navigate difficult situations and find constructive ways to address conflicts.

Overall, treating in-laws with kindness, respect, and understanding can help foster positive relationships and create a supportive and harmonious family environment. By maintaining open communication, setting boundaries, and showing appreciation, you can build strong and lasting connections with your in-laws in your marriage.


Handling children in a marriage involves effective communication, teamwork, and a shared commitment to parenting. Here are some tips on how to navigate parenting together in a marriage:

1.         Communicate openly: Regular communication with your partner about parenting goals, strategies, and concerns is essential for successful co-parenting. Discuss your parenting styles, values, and expectations, and work together to create a unified approach to raising your children.

2.         Set boundaries and rules: Establish clear boundaries and rules for your children to create a structured and consistent environment. Consistency in discipline and expectations can help children feel secure and understand the consequences of their actions.

3.         Support each other: Show support and solidarity with your partner in front of your children, even if you disagree on certain parenting decisions. Presenting a united front can help reinforce your authority and prevent children from playing one parent against the other.

4.         Share responsibilities: Divide parenting responsibilities fairly between you and your partner, taking into account each other’s strengths and preferences. Collaborate on tasks such as childcare, household chores, and school activities to share the workload and prevent one partner from feeling overwhelmed.

5.         Prioritize quality time: Make time for one-on-one interactions with your children to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories. Engage in activities that promote positive communication, trust, and emotional connection with your children.

6.         Seek support: Parenting can be challenging, and it’s okay to seek help and guidance when needed. Consider attending parenting classes, reading books on child development, or seeking advice from a therapist or counsellor to improve your parenting skills and address any concerns.

7.         Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is essential for being a patient, attentive, and supportive parent. Prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, relaxation, and hobbies, to recharge and maintain your well-being while juggling the demands of parenting.

By working together, communicating effectively, and prioritizing your children’s well-being, you can create a nurturing and loving environment for your family and strengthen your bond as a couple in your marriage.


In a marriage, the responsibility for paying bills and managing finances can vary depending on the couple’s circumstances and preferences. Here are some common approaches to handling finances in a marriage:

1.         Joint finances: Many couples choose to combine their finances and share responsibility for paying bills and managing expenses. This can involve having a joint bank account for household expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, and other shared costs.

2.         Splitting expenses: Some couples prefer to split expenses evenly or based on each partner’s income. This can involve dividing bills proportionally, with each partner contributing a certain percentage of their income towards shared expenses.

3.         Individual finances: In some marriages, each partner may prefer to maintain separate bank accounts and handle their expenses independently. In this case, couples may choose to split bills based on individual incomes or take turns covering certain expenses.

4.         Combination of joint and individual finances: Some couples opt for a combination of joint and individual finances, where they have a joint account for shared expenses and separate accounts for personal spending. This approach allows for financial independence while still maintaining transparency and collaboration in managing household finances.

Ultimately, the key to successfully managing finances in a marriage is open communication, mutual respect, and a shared understanding of each partner’s financial goals and responsibilities. Couples need to have regular discussions about money, budgeting, and long-term financial planning to ensure that both partners feel comfortable and secure in their financial partnership.

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OLOKUN Sun, 07 Apr 2024 04:21:00 +0000 Olokun is often depicted as a male or female deity, and sometimes as both gendered aspects in different traditions. Olokun is a powerful and revered deity in the Yoruba pantheon, representing the unexplored depths of the ocean. Olokun is believed to reside in the deepest parts of the ocean, controlling its vast expanse and the […]

The post OLOKUN appeared first on Sunrise News.

Olokun is often depicted as a male or female deity, and sometimes as both gendered aspects in different traditions. Olokun is a powerful and revered deity in the Yoruba pantheon, representing the unexplored depths of the ocean. Olokun is believed to reside in the deepest parts of the ocean, controlling its vast expanse and the mysteries that lie within. Olokun is often associated with wealth, prosperity, abundance, purification, healing, protection, fertility, childbirth and the mysteries of the deep sea. In traditional Yoruba religion, offerings and prayers are made to Olokun for blessings in these areas, as well as protection from the dangers of the ocean. Olokun is often depicted as a mermaid or a mysterious figure shrouded in water. The worship of Olokun is prevalent in Yoruba culture and has influenced various rituals and beliefs surrounding the ocean and water. Olokun is revered by the Yoruba people of Nigeria and parts of West Africa as a significant Orisha (deity) in their pantheon.

In Psalm 18:9-12 King David was talking about God and His place of abode saying; “He bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under His feet. And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire.”

King David is a mystical (spiritual) person, one would think that he was probably talking about Olokun in this verse as it was known that the base of Olokun’s abode is believed to be in the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean, away from human eyes and reach. But the darkness in in that verse is known to be “Choshekh” meaning dark, darkness, obscurity, night, dusk, misery, falsehood or ignorance. According to the Hebrew Bible, “Choshekh” accompanied God and this was evidenced in Exodus 14:19-20 where it was said; “And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night”.

The event in Exodus 14:19-20 happened after God instructed Moses to tell the children of Israel to go forward and cross the Red Sea in Exodus 14:15-16 where it was recorded that; “And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.”

In Exodus 14:21-22 it was said that; “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and their left.”

This many might find hard to believe, but the awesomeness power of God showcased in Exodus 14 is the incredible power and grace God had given to one of His many sons whom the Bible referred to as the angel of the Lord in this verse and whom the Yorubas unknowingly believed to be Olokun.

In Yoruba mythology and spiritual beliefs, Olokun is considered the owner and master of the waters and is thought to reside deep beneath the sea. As it was also said in Psalm 18:11. While the Bible believe Psalm 18:11 was referring to God, Exodus 14:19-20 made us understand that the event in Psalm 18:11 was not God but the Angel of God who went before the camp of Israel, the very Angel that moved and went behind them; the same Angel that metamorphose from the pillar of cloud before them into the pillar of fire behind them. Standing between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. The cloud and darkness to the Egyptians, and the light by night to the children of Israel.

Psalm 18:9-12 that says; “He bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under His feet. And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire.” Was referring to the event 

Worshippers of Olokun seek blessings and guidance from this deity through rituals, ceremonies, prayers, offerings, and other forms of devotion. Due to the belief that Olokun resides in the depths of the ocean, worshippers often perform rituals, ceremonies, and offerings near bodies of water as a way to connect with and honour the deity. Offerings such as shells, coins, jewellery, and other items may be cast into the water as gifts to Olokun, symbolizing respect and gratitude for the blessings that the deity provides.

Olokun plays a vital role in the spiritual and cultural practices of the Yoruba people, and the deity is honoured in various ceremonies and festivals throughout the year. Even though people are in the habit of offering items, often presented at bodies of water, such as rivers or the ocean, as a means of reaching out to Olokun and honouring this powerful deity’s presence. The exact location of Olokun’s abode remains mysterious and sacred but in reality, most of the things people throw into the Waters all in the name of honouringOlokun are uncalled for because none of the sons of God are made to be worshipped not even Jesus Christ but God and God alone and this was made clear in Luke 4:8; “And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” Apostle John confirmed this in Revelation 22:8-9 where it was said; “Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

We’re to Worship God and God alone. But we can recognize and reference the presence, the duties and the responsibilities of the sons of God among us. The majority of us believe that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, but that is not true. Before Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul talked about the sons of God in the physical, the Bible made us understand that there were other sons of God in the spiritual realm;

Gen 6:1-4: Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Job 1:6: Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

Job 2:1: Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord.

Job 38:7: When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Olokun is not a figure that is mentioned in the Bible but if you are studious you can easily with the help of the Holy Spirit discover his identity and and mystical power. Olokun is said to be a deity from the traditional Yoruba religious practices and belongs to the Yoruba pantheon, which is separate from the Christian and Jewish texts of the Bible, but the trust is, that Olokun does not belong to the Yorubas and Olokun is bigger than the Yorubas. Yes, the Bible primarily focuses on figures, events, and stories from the Christian and Jewish religious traditions, and does not reference deities or cultures from other belief systems like Olokun. Olokun is specific to the Yoruba culture and is primarily worshipped and acknowledged within that context.

There is no specific Bible verse that mentions Olokun or alludes to a deity residing in the ocean depths like Olokun. However, there are verses in the Bible that address the depths of the sea and the mysteries of the ocean, which could be seen as somewhat related to Olokun’s domain. One of the verses alluding to the depths of the sea is found in Psalm 107: 23-38 was says; “Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters, they see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts the waves of the sea. They mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths; their soul melts because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits’ end. Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He calms the storm so that its waves are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; so He guides them to their desired haven. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and His wonderful works to the children of men! Let them exalt Him also in the assembly of the people, and praise Him in the company of the elders. He turns rivers into a wilderness, and the water springs into dry ground; a fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of those who dwell in it. He turns the wilderness into pools of water and dry land into water springs. There He makes the hungry dwell, that they may establish a city for a dwelling place, and sow fields and plant vineyards, that they may yield a fruitful harvest. He also blesses them, and they multiply greatly, and He does not let their cattle decrease.

This verse speaks about those who go out to sea, highlighting the dangers and obstacles faced in the deep waters and the many benefits embedded in it. One can easily say that these references do not directly equate or relate to Olokun from the Yoruba religious beliefs. Olokun’s significance and mythological attributes are specific to the Yoruba cultural context, and interpretations or connections to biblical verses should be made with caution and respect for the distinct traditions.

Olokun’s underwater palace or kingdom is thought to be a place of great beauty and power, filled with all manner of aquatic beings and spirits. In Yoruba cosmology, the ocean is seen as a sacred and spiritual realm, and Olokun is revered as the ruler of this watery domain. In Psalm 72:8-11 King David was praying for King Solomon and he said; “He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.  The desert tribes will bow before him and his enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and distant shores will bring tribute to him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present him gifts. All kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him.”

This is King David directly connecting his son, King Solomon to the main source of all wealth. If we read the entire Psalm 72, we’ll be amazed by the pronunciations he made on him saying; “Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. He will judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice. The mountains will bring prosperity to the people, the hills the fruit of righteousness. He will defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; he will crush the oppressor. He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations. He will be like rain falling on a mown field like showers watering the earth. In his days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. The desert tribes will bow before him and his enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and distant shores will bring tribute to him; the kings of Sheba and Seba will present him gifts. All kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him. For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight. Long may he live! May gold from Sheba be given him. May people ever pray for him and bless him all day long. Let grain abound throughout the land; on the tops of the hills may it sway. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field. May his name endure forever; may it continue as long as the sun. All nations will be blessed through him, and they will call him blessed. Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvellous deeds. Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen. This concludes the prayers of David son of Jesse.

No wonder King Solomon became the first person ever to get involved in importation and exportation as it was recorded in 1 Kings 9:26-28 that; “King Solomon also built ships at Ezion Geber, which is near Elath in Edom, on the shore of the Red Sea. And Hiram sent his men — sailors who knew the sea — to serve in the fleet with Solomon’s men. They sailed to Ophir and brought back 420 talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon”.

Everything King David pronounced on King Solomon came to reality. In 2 Chron 9, it was said that; “When the queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s fame, she came to Jerusalem to test him with hard questions. Arriving with a very great caravan — with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones — she came to Solomon and talked with him about all she had on her mind. Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for him to explain to her. When the queen of Sheba saw the wisdom of Solomon, as well as the palace he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his officials, the attending servants in their robes, the cupbearers in their robes and the burnt offerings he made at the temple of the Lord, she was overwhelmed.

She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true. But I did not believe what they said until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half the greatness of your wisdom was told me; you have far exceeded the report I heard. How happy your men must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on his throne as king to rule for the Lord your God. Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness.”

Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold, large quantities of spices, and precious stones. There had never been such spices as those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon. (The men of Hiram and the men of Solomon brought gold from Ophir; they also brought algumwood and precious stones. The king used the algum wood to make steps for the temple of the Lord and the royal palace and to make harps and lyres for the musicians. Nothing like them had ever been seen in Judah.)

King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for; he gave her more than she had brought to him. Then she left and returned with her retinue to her own country. The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues brought in by merchants and traders. Also, all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the land brought gold and silver to Solomon.

King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold; six hundred bekas of hammered gold went into each shield. He also made three hundred small shields of hammered gold, with three hundred bekas of gold in each shield. The king put them in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon. Then the king made a great throne inlaid with ivory and overlaid with pure gold. The throne had six steps, and a footstool of gold was attached to it. On both sides of the seat were armrests, with a lion standing beside each of them. Twelve lions stood on the six steps, one at either end of each step. Nothing like it had ever been made for any other kingdom. All King Solomon’s goblets were gold, and all the household articles in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon were pure gold. Nothing was made of silver because silver was considered of little value in Solomon’s day. The king had a fleet of trading ships manned by Hiram’s men. Once every three years it returned, carrying gold, silver and ivory, and apes and baboons.

King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. All the kings of the earth sought an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. Year after year, everyone who came brought a gift — articles of silver and gold, robes, weapons and spices, and horses and mules. Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horses, which he kept in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem. He ruled over all the kings from the River to the land of the Philistines, as far as the border of Egypt. The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as plentiful as sycamore — fig trees in the foothills. Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and all other countries”.

Don’t forget that King David was never a Christian. Technically, he was an idol worshipper just as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Twelve sons of Jacob. The Bible made it clear how Joseph’s mother stole their family idol and took it with her when she was leaving her father with Jacob and how Joseph married the daughter of the Chief Idol Priest in Egypt. The practice of worship of the Ark of the Covenant is a practice of idolatry even though the name of God was attached to it just as it is still being attached to all the gods and idols in existence today.

David like every other monarch in this age was and they have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the mystics and the workings of the same; as well as how to appease them and move them in their favour.

Olokun holds a significant place in Yoruba cosmology as a powerful and revered deity, embodying the forces of the sea and the blessings of wealth and prosperity for those who honour and worship the deity.

It is believed by the Yorubas that Olokun lives in a white tureen or a sealed terra-cotta pot that houses her secrets. Usually, Olokun is depicted as living at the bottom, darkest part of the ocean. If Olokun did not stay at the bottom of the ocean, people worried that Olokun would cause too much damage to humankind.

Some of the powers and attributes associated with Olokun include:

Control over the depths of the ocean

Olokun is believed to have power over the vast and mysterious depths of the ocean, as well as the creatures that dwell within it.

Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters, and Your footsteps were not known. Ps 77:19

Wealth and prosperity

Olokun is often associated with wealth and abundance, and worshippers may seek Olokun’s blessings for financial success and prosperity.

Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come. Herds of camels will coverer your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the Lord. Isa 60:5-6

Purification and healing

Olokun is also associated with purification and healing rituals. Worshippers may seek Olokun’s assistance in cleansing and purifying themselves or their surroundings.

And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing. John 9:7


Olokun is believed to offer protection to those who honour and worship the deity. Followers may seek Olokun’s protection from harm and negative influences.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress, I called to the Lord;

I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry. Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, and burning coals blazed out of it. He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind. He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him — the dark rain clouds of the sky. Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. He shot his arrows and scattered [the enemies], great bolts of lightning and routed them. The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of breath from your nostrils. He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me on the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:2-19

Fertility and childbirth

Olokun is sometimes associated with fertility and childbirth, and worshippers may seek Olokun’s assistance in matters related to conception and childbirth.

It’s important to note that beliefs and practices related to Olokun can vary among different Yoruba communities and practitioners. Olokun is a complex and multifaceted deity with deep cultural and spiritual significance for many people. 

Is Olokun the God almighty? No, he is not. But he is one of the many sons of God we knew little or nothing about but still in existence and doing great things for the Lord in their rights and responsibilities.

Is Olokun to be worshipped? The choice is yours. Jesus Christ had never told us to worship Him, but today the majority of us are worshipping Him and God is showing forth His powers and majesties through Him in our lives.

Sam Adeoye

April 5, 2024

08:34 pm

The post OLOKUN appeared first on Sunrise News.

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BAD MAN Sun, 07 Jan 2024 04:37:00 +0000 Even though it was said in Proverbs 18:22 that, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the Lord.” It is not all the time that this scripture is true. So many people had found a Wife and found bad luck, setbacks and even early death. So many people’s lives, […]

The post BAD MAN appeared first on Sunrise News.

Even though it was said in Proverbs 18:22 that, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the Lord.” It is not all the time that this scripture is true. So many people had found a Wife and found bad luck, setbacks and even early death. So many people’s lives, both Men and Ladies alike today are ruined as a result of finding a Wife or a Husband all in the name of marriage and what they found became the end of their lives.

Sometimes it feels like a lie when one reads in the scripture that; you find a good spouse, you find a good life — and even more: the favor of God! And yet shortly after the Wedding day, it is suddenly done to you that the person you’re married to is a monster from the pit of hell assigned to destroy you. The longer you stay with him/her the harder life gets with you and whenever you want to pull out, there is one religious person somewhere reminding you that “God hates divorce” and therefore you must continue to endure the pains and the hardship all in the name of “God hates divorce”.

God hates divorce but loves seeing you suffering in the hands of a Man or a Lady all in the name of marriage when it was clearly stated in 3 John 2; “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” If you being married to someone denied you the right and the opportunity to prosper in all things and be in health then you’re not in a marriage, you’re in a Dungeon. You’re in Prison and the one that put you in that Prison will not let go of you if you fail to free yourself.

Marriage is good only when you find a good Lady for a Wife and a good Man for a Husband. It is then and only then that it will show that the Lord is good to you. Now, it’s not really that the Lord is not good to you if you choose wrongly, He is always good to us all. But the fact remains that it is not God’s duty to choose a Wife or Husband for anyone. Abraham chose Sarah, not God, Abraham chose Rebekah for Isaac, not God, Laban chose Leah for Jacob or let me say forced Leah on Jacob, Jacob chose Rachel for himself, but unfortunately, Rachel died earlier than expected.

Many of us are like Jacob, individuals that are easily get carried away by what they can see. In Gen 29:18 it was said that “Jacob loved Rachel”. What brings about that sudden love for Rachel? The answer is in Gen 29:17 where it was said that “Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance.” Rachel is a one can describe as Figure Eight. The delight of Men of status. The elegant well well-structured Lady. Such are the kind of Ladies some Men are after and these are the very ones that end their lives before time. As my Grandmother used to say, “A Lady with beauty without character will one day either kill herself or the husband. Either way, one of them must die”.

Osinachi Nwachukwu is dead today, not because of her character towards her marriage, but because of her religious beliefs. I’ve heard so many people condemning the family, the church and her Pastor for allowing her to remain in a bad marriage and I’ve heard and read about her Pastor saying that he wasn’t aware of her Marital issues. How truth that is, is best known to God. But the truth is, even if he as the Pastor did not know, how about the wife? Someone is lying.

Women are built with the instinct of knowing things even though sometimes they pretend as if they don’t. Recently, I was on the phone with a very good friend of mine. The daughter walked into the room. Now, I’ve never for once spoken with the daughter or her knowing anything about me. But the moment the daughter entered the room and saw my friend on the phone, she said “Good morning Pastor Sam”. And my friend was like, “How do you know whom I’m talking to?” And the daughter said, “I know…!”

This is a lady I’ve never spoken to before then and yet she could picked whom my friend was talking to on the phone. That is the power of a Female Gender for you. They know things and yet, they’ll pretend not to. I feel so sorry for the Men who think that their Wives know nothing about their escapades. She’s only watching you and allowing peace to reign.

Anyway; I’m not interested in pointing fingers against anyone. But trust me on this; people don’t like to associate with negative issues or persons; churches and pastors are not exceptional to the rule. So, don’t be surprised if the same person who is smiling and laughing with you now denies you in a few seconds hereafter for hearing something negative about you. Human beings are always ready to use you and dump you. That’s the reality of life. As Tuface said, “If you don’t use them, den go use you”.

As far as I can tell, Osinachi Nwachukwu died long before her physical death. In one of the reports I read, her Twin Sister, Osinachi was never interested in the man. Then after much pressure from the man and her rejecting his proposal, the man left, then after some time, he showed up again and they started dating and then got married.

Friends, listen and listen well. That was never God or man; that was pure Juju. Correct African cham from a wicked spiritualist. If you think that because you pray in tongues, you go to church every day and you are closer to your Pastor some things cannot happen to you, you deceive yourself. Osinachi was much anointed in every sense and had a strong heart for God. How come the cham worked on her and held her bond in Marital bondage even to her death? Think about that.

God did not ask you to be spiritual, He asked you to be wise as the Serpent and armless as the Dove. My question is, how wise are you? Again Jesus said, “The children of this world are wiser than the children of the Kingdom”. I ask you again, how wise are you? Spirituality without wisdom is stupidity. So many stupid and ignorant people are in the church. Most especially the Pentecostal churches.

For a person to say yes to someone she had once said no to is not a big deal; people change their minds we can say. But the Bible admonished us to test all spirits. I expected her family to carry out diligence on the Man before they allowed him to marry their daughter, but they did not. Her family failed her big time.

I understand Osinachi’s decision to keep everything going to herself and beg the few people who are aware of it to keep it secret. I was guilty of the same. I kept painting my ex white in the presence of everyone even when I was going through hell in the marriage; until one day, one of the church members said to me; “Pastor, please stop praising your wife. We all know that she doesn’t love you. You’re the one that loves her”.

In marriage, we make decisions that are totally beyond our control. Not because of any other things rather than the fact that we don’t want to offend God and miss heaven; or we don’t want to bring shame to our family. I quite understand. But the facts remain that you cannot change a person that had not made up his or her mind to change. Change of character and attitudes is a personal decision not enforcement from others. It is an internal thing, not an external force or influence. Her family should have forced her out of the marriage. Get the Police to arrest him for beating their daughter. Or maybe his Juju also worked on them.

All religions have so much power to kill you. And the first thing religion does is kill your ability to think for yourself and make the decisions that they think are best for you. Thereafter, it’s killed your destiny and chartered your dreams. You’re zero. No religion will take you to heaven. Take it or leave it. The only thing that guarantees your eternity is your labour of love towards your fellow human beings and your fulfilment of purpose in life.

All the religion in the world forbids divorce. Claiming that God hates divorce. But the question is, does God love it that you die in a bad marriage? I don’t think and I believe he does. Divorce is permitted when you are not feeling safe in your marriage.

So many religious leaders and their Spouses are facing hell in their Marriages but religion and spirituality without wisdom and understanding will not let them walk out of the bad marriage. Marriage is a life, once you don’t have it in your marriage, take a walk before it leads to your death.

May the souls of the departed ones as a result of domestic violence continue to rest in peace. But what happened to those who are still alive enduring the pains and the abuse, even the loss of so many things all in the name of marriage?

A Man of honour is never a Man who defends himself, but a Man who defends the ideologies and the institution he stands for; a Man whose values are beyond personalities or recognitions from Men.

I watched a Television interview granted by Emeka Ike, I watched the interview granted by the Ex-Wife and the son; I also read the post-Emeka’s brother made and the question that came to heart was very simple.

If Emeka Ike was a Bad Man and a brutal husband and father as the Ex-wife and the son presented him to be…

a. How come, Emeka Ike picked her and married her without educational qualifications of any kind?

A Man who doesn’t love you will never marry you if your standards of life and education are lower than his.

b. How come, Emeka Ike sent her to the University when he only attended Yaba College of Technology?  

A Man that doesn’t love you will never give you the right or permission to be greater than him.

c. How come Emeka Ike established businesses and put her in charge of running those businesses?

Only a Man who loves you and trusts you can entrust you with his source of income. Men usually don’t allow their wives to be part of their business.

d. How come, Emeka Ike made her a signatory to his account?

Men are usually in the habit of keeping their money away from their Wives. But he gave the Wife access to his money so that she could withdraw any amount of money she so wished.

Now, before our Social Media sisters-in-law, judges and lawyers will begin to cast stones; ask yourself if your Husband or Husband-to-be can do this or is doing this. If he’s not, then you should give credit to those that did.

The Ex-Wife came on television to claim that Emeka Ike was in the habit of beating her. But she never told us that she was the one who first slapped him because the husband was trying to correct her for not taking proper care of their daughter.

The light was shunned on this truth when Emeka Ike’s former Personal Assistant came out to tell the whole world what led to that.

I’m not in support of a Man beating his wife or the Wife beating the husband and I will never be part of that. But please, be honest, how many of you dare to sell your husband’s businesses and run away because of his beating?

I used to know a Deacon in RCCG who used to beat the Wife and leave her in her pool of blood. Twice this Man beat the Wife to the point of coma. It took me a whole year to pray her out of that marriage. Because of the money the husband was donating to the church, their Pastor kept telling her to endure, God hates divorce. She never for one day sold or took anything that belonged to her husband.

She left the Marriage with honour and integrity.

Despite selling all the husband had then, Emeka Ike’s Ex-Wife still cannot train or give quality education to the children.

She took the son away from the school the father put him in Abuja to further his education and never put the boy in any school but was quick to get the boy a job in a restaurant. I’m so sorry to say, I do not consider such a person as a life-giver. She is a life killer. Destiny Destroyer Pro Max.

If you think or believe that what Emeka Ike’s Ex-Wife did to him was right, then I pray that the Lord God of heaven will give your son/sons such a Lady for a Wife so that you can see and feel how painful it is.

Emeka Ike is a bad husband and yet he built a house for her in Lagos and Isoko her hometown. The last time I checked, not so many Men do that. Only a good Man with a sense of responsibility, a Man that means well for his Wife will do such a thing.

Emeka Ike is a bad husband and yet you had two children for him before you asked him to pay your Bride Price which he did without hesitation and you still have another child for him after the Wedding and yet you claimed he is a bad person.

If your claim is true, why did you ask him to pay for your Bride Price? Why did you have children for him? I’m sure no person in her right mind will get pregnant by a bad person unless the person herself is bad.

In one of her statements, she said that she married Emeka Ike because she wanted to be a model and she thought Emeka could be of help to her to be a successful model. But unfortunately, she never shares her dream of becoming a model with him.

This also means that she did not marry him because she loved him, but because she wanted to use him to build her career as a model and probably dump him once she became successful as a model.

So many Ladies do this. They pretended to love a man because they needed a place to stay, someone to take care of them, someone to have a child or two with and ended the marriage. Before you comment on this, check your heart, do you marry the Man in your love because you love him or because you are using him to meet a need in your life?

The Son, on the other hand, came up to say that the Father said so many hateful words to him because of his love for Music, and smiling; you can tell when a person is programmed to lie.

Many of us have no idea of what Evil people can do to manipulate our children against us and indirectly destroy the future of the children. May you never come across Evil Men or Women who will program the hearts and minds of your children against you. I wish my father was alive to tell his story.

If what the son said was true, how come the same father put him in Nigeria Turkish International College, a Private School in Abuja, do you know what it means to have a child in that school; and the mother took him away from there and that’s the end of his education; and now he works in a restaurant in Lagos. I don’t think a Man who doesn’t mean well for his son will do such a thing.

The last time I checked, Men don’t spend on a child they don’t believe in his or her future. Yes, the father must have said those things but not in the same manner he presented it to be. Falz had always wanted to be a musician, but their father stood against it and forced him to study law. He did and still went back to his music. I’m sure you and I have no idea of the kinds of things the father would have said to him then.

Even Davido was faced with the same dilemma. The father practically disowned him because he wanted to be a musician. So, whatever Emeka would have said to his son then was never out of the lane. Every reasonable parent who means well to their children will do just that; now that doesn’t mean that they are right, it only shows that their understanding is limited.

I watched Alibaba’s studio interview with the Honest Bunch where he said that his father refused to speak with him for good Ten years because he decided to be a Comedian instead of a Lawyer he wanted him to be. But today, it’s a different story.

Emeka Ike’s son should prove his father wrong instead of crying around like a baby over what he claimed the father said to him. He should turn that into a motivation to propel him to succeed as the Musician he chose to be and not all these his doing trying to destroy his father. Forgetting that someday he will be a father too.

There was a time when parents didn’t want their children to be Actors, Comedians, Footballers or Musicians because they considered those professions a waste of time. But today, it’s a different story entirely. I’m sure a larger percentage of us were once faced with such a dilemma with our Parents. So why crucify Emeka if he indeed said that?

I made it clear earlier that I’m not in support of a Man abusing his Wife or a Woman abusing her Husband. So, I’m not in support of Emeka beating his Wife even though we now know what led to that. In Igbo culture, it is an abomination for a wife to lift her hands against her Husband. The Wife did know that, why did she do that?

So many of the Ladies ranting and calling Emeka out on Social Media are facing worse demons in their homes and marriages with their husbands, how come they have not sold things that belong to the husband and left the marriage?

Some of us Men who are questioning his actions are doing worse things to our Wives at home and still painting ourselves to be one superhero. What happened between Emeka and the Ex-Wife is a lesson for us all as far as I can tell.

I don’t have issues with her leaving. It’s normal to leave a Man or Woman if you know that your living together as Husband and Wife is no longer comfortable. But destroying the same person before leaving is uncalled for. That’s just the fact.

According to him, if he was broke then, he probably has Fifteen Million Naira in his account. Do you know what that means? By now, he would have been a billionaire but his Ex-wife destroyed all that because of her greed, lack of foresight and evil-mindedness.

As far as I can tell, there is more to Emeka Ike’s Ex-Wife’s personality and act. What she did is a criminal offence with serious consequences, that is if Emeka Ike chose to seek justice.

I know some people will be so quick to say that Emeka Ike is a Narcissist, well, from what I know about Narcissist, they don’t joke with their money and Ladies who are married to Narcissist will tell you that their narcissistic husbands don’t joke with his money. They don’t spend on the Wife and Children, they always run the Wife down and never support her dreams or ambitions.

A Narcissist Is an Eyes service person, always doing something to impress outsiders but never his Wife and Children.

A Narcissist will never talk about his marriage in public not to talk of saying anything about it on Media, never.

A Narcissist is a quiet-going person who will make friends and relatives too and the Wife believes that he is a good person, but he or she is not.

Never talk about a Narcissist if you’ve not lived with one.

Some people will also claim that he is a Narcissist which is why he married a Lady far Younger than him so that he can control her. Well, the last time I checked, it is a normal thing for Men to marry Younger Ladies, a larger percentage of us. Just a few of us married Ladies that are the same age as us or older than us. So, it is very normal for an Igbo Man to marry a Lady far Younger than him. I have Sisters who married from Igbo Land and I witnessed their brothers getting married to Girls who are far younger than they are; most of them with 23, 25 and even 30 years difference. So, the age difference is nothing but just a number.

The question we all should ask ourselves is, what exactly did she do with all the money she made from her husband’s businesses? She should be made to account for it.

Friends, be careful when you are choosing a life partner. He or she will either make you or Mar you.

Sam Adeoye


The post BAD MAN appeared first on Sunrise News.

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LISTEN TO HER Sun, 17 Dec 2023 04:10:00 +0000 So many Men will continue to fail in life, most especially in the area of marriage as long as they continue to treat their wives as a Second Class Citizens in Creation. God did not create a Man before the Woman, no. God created the Man and the Woman at the same time, both of […]

The post LISTEN TO HER appeared first on Sunrise News.


So many Men will continue to fail in life, most especially in the area of marriage as long as they continue to treat their wives as a Second Class Citizens in Creation.

God did not create a Man before the Woman, no. God created the Man and the Woman at the same time, both of them in one body. But for the sake of companionship and communication, God later separated the Woman from the Man and formed another body not create another Human Being, formed another body and deposited in that body the Woman part of the Man that He had created earlier together with the Man.

The lies In the religious cycles and the inferiority complex of some Men alongside their insecure attitudes are the major reasons why they are doing everything possible to relegate the Women folks to the background and make them voiceless. But what many Men fail to realize is the fact that, the very person they a trying to relegate to the background is the very person they need to climb the Ladder of success and achievements in life.

Let me make this clear to us; any Man who will not listen to his wife and treat her right will never go far in life.

The painful thing is, that most of our religious leaders are not even telling us the truth. I’m yet to see a Man of God who will tell his or her members to listen to their wives. They are always ready to say, wives, listen to your husband. He is your head. Submit yourself to him. He is your lord. Sarah called Abraham my lord. Yes, Sarah called Abraham my lord because Abraham listened to her every time all the time. And there is no time Sarah said anything to Abraham that God questioned what she had said to Abraham or countered it.

But something amazing happened in Genesis 21:12 when Sarah spoke to Abraham and Abraham refused to listen; immediately the Lord appeared and said to Abraham, “Do not let it be displeasing in your sight…Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice”.

Here Is God telling Abraham His friend to listen to Sarah. We’d never heard or read anywhere that God spoke with Sarah or that God and Sarah had any close relationship, but still, God had s’ much honour and respect for the words in her mouth and told Abraham the same Man that had a closer relationship with God to listen to his wife.

Let me make this clear to you; any Man or Woman who advises you not to listen to your wife has already destroyed you without you knowing.

Now, check the scripture and prove me wrong. Even though you will never read in the Bible that Sarah left Abraham unless you pay attention to the records of her death, where it was said that Abraham came to bury his wife Sarah. You don’t come to bury someone who is living in the same house or compound with you.

Sarah left Abraham after the mountain encounter with the Lord where Abraham took Isaac to offer to the Lord.

There was no record of Abraham discussing that with Sarah before taking Isaac with him.

Even though we called it faith, the fact is, that Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac because Ishmael was there for him.

If Abraham had told Sarah that God said he should sacrifice Isaac, there is no way Sarah would have agreed to such because she had waited for years to have him and that is the only child she has.

Isaac is closer to Sarah his mother. There is no way he will not tell the mother what had happened on the mountain. Either out of excitement of God providing them with the Ram or out of concern that his father chose to kill him because God said so.

No woman will wait for so many years to have a child and the husband will try to kill the child whether the order is coming from God or not, and the Woman will still stay under the same roof as the Man, it’s not possible.

Anyway, if you don’t know before, now you know. Now, after the mountain encounter that led to Sarah walking away from the marriage, you cannot find anywhere in the Bible of God talking with or to Abraham again. God went muted.

These are the facts you will never hear from your religious leaders.

Now let me say this to you as I draw my conclusions on this. If you as a Man are not treating your wife right and the wife is good to you, she treats you right; doing everything possible to support your dreams, visions and all; and she remains under the same roof with you even though you are treating her badly. There is a bad possibility of you still enjoying some levels of an open heaven over your life; but the moment the Woman says to herself enough is enough and she walks away from you; the heavens over you will automatically close and it doesn’t matter how anointed you are.

The only thing that will make that not happen is if the Woman had not been faithful to you and her presence in your life is more of a hindrance rather than a blessing.

Even if a Lady you both agreed to marry each other says a thing to you, listen to her. Something happened to me so many times back. A Lady I wanted to marry bought me a Wrist Watch for my Birthday, I wanted to wear the Wrist Watch the following Sunday but she said I shouldn’t, I should leave it to the upper Sunday. I heard her but I wasn’t listening. On Sunday, I brought out the Wristwatch to wear, and while I was trying to wear it, it fell and the screen was broken. End of the story. I learnt my lessons.

Friends, learn to listen to that One Lady you call your Wife. She might be the only key you need to unlock your heavens.


When a Man is truly in love with you, he’ll never see anything wrong with you. Even if you offended him and do the unspeakable, he’ll still forgive you and keep rolling with you because he finds pleasure in being with you.

When people claimed to be in love, I asked what’s their understanding of being in love.

Whenever I tell people that my Ex is a good person, but a good person with a bad mother; they look at me as if I don’t know what I’m talking about.

You have no business being in love with someone you cannot defend and protect from outside forces. I did that with my Ex before she fell for her mother’s trap, and that is the exact thing Steve Harvey had done and Will Smith did some time back.

Even if the Wife will not appreciate it, which some of them do, it is your duty as a Man to go all out for the Woman you love.

Real Men love, protect, cherish and provide emotional security for their Women in any given circumstance.

If you cannot protect your Wife, then you’re not a Man.

I read a Post by my friend saying “Na women dey wait for years to heal. Men dey sharply grabs the next available victim. I do not have a point to prove to anyone, at the right time I go be, and it’s gonna be 4eva insha ‘Allah.

Reading that made me laugh, so I responded to that by saying; I hope this is true for all Men. January 16, 2024, will make it exactly Six years and I’m still single. Yes, I’m healed. Yes, I’ve moved on. Yes, I’m fine. Yes, I’m restored and happier now. But picking another Lady for a Wife is not the same as picking clothes on the hangar. For a reasonable and sensible Man, marriage is a matter of the heart and a matter of the heart is the love of your life e.g. your life.

Men who understand what it means to love and stay committed to the love, don’t just move on as if nothing happened. A part of them live with their Wife whether through divorce or death.

Some might never remarry again. Some will simply wait patiently until they find someone they can love much more than the one that left either as a result of divorce or death. While some Men will be all out looking for someone who looks just like the one they loved with their entire being.

Real Men don’t love with words, they love with their hearts and their heads and that is the reason why it’s very hard for anyone to steal their heart because they’ve already attached it to the one they love.

If a Man moves on so quickly after the divorce or death of their Wife, there are chances that he never loved the Wife through and true; or he is just a slave master. One who sees Ladies as a tool and never an asset.

True love is hard to replace, no matter the circumstances. True love is deeper than just words. It’s a heart-to-heart connection. Despite Adeyeye trying to replace Naomi, he still cannot. That’s the power of true love. No one million people can replace it.

This is one reason why I laughed whenever some people used the word “I love you” unguidedly. And when I asked them what is their definition of love, they’ll just be beating around the bush. You don’t get confused or hard to explain what you know. If you cannot define it it is because you do not know it; it’s as simple as that.

I talk with both Single Men and Ladies every week. I know what they are going through. I know their pains and struggles. It is not easy for both genders to try to do everything all by themselves. Some had found themselves in a deep hole that they were finding hard to come out of.

I see lots of Women, channelling their love for their ex-husband towards their children. Well, it’s good to love the children, but the love for a Man and the love for the children are never the same. I’ll recommend a movie titled “The One Who Got Away” to all the Single Mothers to watch. You’ll thank me later. It’s on YouTube.

I know of a Woman who single-handedly raised all her children. Shot herself up on anything called Men. Spent her entire life taking care of her children and today she’s having a serious nervous breakdown. Every act of love even from her children towards her is termed evil and threats against her life. She doesn’t know what love means anymore. May that not be your portion.

In conclusion, let’s join hands together to support each other. Even those that are in a marriage. Frustration and depression have no boundaries. It thrives in the atmosphere of a troubled heart. Trust me on this, so many people are frustrated and depressed both singles and married alike. But we can help one another. We can be a shoulder for someone in pain to lean on. Remember, helping someone is helping yourself. Above all, never take advantage of other people’s situations. Let’s be our brother’s keepers and not our brother’s killers.


A few hours ago, I posted on my wall that “husbands are to submit themselves to their wives if they want their wives to submit to them” and I in-scripted Ephesians 5:21 which says; “submitting to one another in the fear of God” and all hell was lost as some Men were all out to defend the Ephesians 5:22 that says “Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord”.

This is one of the many lies that had gone far and wide in the church, leaving one part of the scripture and hanging to the that suits our selfish, self-centred and ungodly desires; just for the sake of putting another person under bondage.

So funny, even some women themselves are so quick to quote “Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord”; whenever I see anyone doing that, especially the Pastors, I know the person is never one who studies the Bible or even read it. And we have so many Pastors that will spend all day listening to another Pastor teaching. They never sat down one day to research or search out the scriptures themselves.

These are the types of Pastors that mislead people. I’ve had the opportunity to answer so many questions some people asked their Pastors and their Pastors cannot give them any answer. For crying out loud, why are you a Pastor if you cannot answer simple biblical questions your people are asking you?

Anyway, let’s examine the sayings of Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:17-32…therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.

Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord.

For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, let the wives be to their husbands in everything.

Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

So husbands ought to love their wives as their bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.

For no one ever hated his flesh, but nourished and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

For we are members of His body, of His flesh and His bones.

“For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

This teaching of Apostle Paul is not about marriage or husbands and wives as the church had turned it to be. Apostle Paul made it clear when he said in Ephesians 5:32 “but I speak concerning Christ and the church”. This means, that the teaching is about Jesus Christ and the church not about marriage or husband and wife.

Let’s agree to the facts that some vital information is embedded in the teaching which can and is useful for the benefits of a successful marriage. This vital information did not start from Ephesians 5:22 which says, “Wives, submit to your Husbands, as to the Lord”; nope. The vital information begins from Ephesians 5:21 which says “submitting to one another in the fear of God”.

This means Husbands should also submit themselves to their Wives just as they expect the Wives to submit themselves to them.

Let me share different Bible versions of Ephesians 5:21 with you.


Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.


Further, you will submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.


Submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.


Subjecting yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ.


Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).


Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Submission is an English word, not a spiritual word; and it’s so disappointing that all the people who are teaching submission, either as a Pastor, church member or Christian fellow don’t even know what submission means.

The only they knew was that, it is written in the Bible and everyone called a Wife or that desired to be a Wife must align themselves with it and submit themselves to their husbands.

Well, let me help your understanding to become fruitful.

Submission was said to be “the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or the will or authority of another person”.

Webster’s Dictionary described sub-mission to be “the act of submitting the state of being willing to submit something offered for consideration (law) an agreement in which parties undertake to abide by a decision or obey an authority (law) the act of referring a matter to arbitration.

To submit; it was described as “to cause to un- dergo to offer (oneself) of one’s free will, to submit oneself to an ordeal; to offer for consideration, examination, a decision etc.

Collins Cobuild English Dictionary described Submission as “a state in which people can no longer do what they want to do because they have been brought under the control of someone else.

If there is anything that is breaking homes and marriages faster today, most especially this new Indomie generation marriage that is built on the foundation of Pentecostal liars is this Issue of submission. Most especially with indisciplined, uncultured, unnatural, untamed boys who called themselves Men just because they had some change in their bank account and had Seven inches of fleshly rod in between their legs.

It Is not in your place to put your wife or your husband under your control. It is evil, it is satanic, it is not God and it can never be God.

If you are demanding submission from your spouse, wisdom demands that you submit yourself to the same person you are demanding submission from. Why should I allow myself to be controlled by you, when I don’t have control over you? That means I’m your slave and you’re my master.

Sarah called Abraham lord because Abraham listened to Sarah, they listened to one another and they were always in agreement with each other. But Abraham lost Sarah the day he took Isaac for sacrifice without telling Sarah, and that was the end of their marriage and that was the last time God spoke to or with Abraham. Bros, borrow yourself some brain and stop living your marital life with some of the errors you’re hearing from some ungrounded individuals.

Marriage is sweet and fun when you have the opportunity to be with someone who can listen to you and always be in agreement with you. Not with someone who sees you as an inferior or a slave.

Four kinds of things can be controlled…

The dog

The slave

The maid

The robot

Which of these is the woman you’re trying to control? Even Robots ask questions these days. They don’t just take orders from you anymore. And the Slaves and the Maids are ready to poison your food if you keep treating them badly. Go and watch “Spartacus” and learn. Even dogs revolt these days because God gave everyone minds and brains for a purpose and it is evil to render someone’s brain and mind useless all in the name of wanting to be in control because you’re the Man. No, you’re not a Man, you’re a blind fool.

The day some Men will stop controlling their Wives and learn to reason, discuss and agree with them on anything and everything will be the day some Men will begin to make serious accelerating results beyond human comprehension.

Do you think you’re succeeding? Keep deceiving yourself. Treat that Wife of yours right and make her part of your everyday decisions and you’ll see what will happen to you thereafter.

In Matthew 13:15 Jesus Christ said “For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn so that I should heal them.’


I’d had the opportunity to listen to so many people and hear them out on the issues of marriage and why they are finding it so difficult to find a Man of their dreams or the Lady of their dreams to marry.

Well, I’m going to be as frank as possible in this post, so if you are a religious person, this post is not for you and I will advise you to stop reading now. But if you are a person outside the box, then you can go ahead and read on.

If you are truly interested in getting married, these points I want to make are very important and you should think about them very well; and I mean very well.


You need to find out if marriage is truly meant for you or not. Trust me on this, not everyone will be married and not everyone that are married will remain married. It’s not a question of Fasting, Praying or having Faith, it’s a fact about God and life.

Even though we were told that Joseph the Carpenter died, if you read beyond the bible, I mean you lay hold on other historic biblical materials, you will know that Joseph left Mary he did not die. James and John in the Bible are the two sons Mary had for Joseph, but she loved Jesus more and that was the cause for their separation, and not just that he just couldn’t withstand the fact that she got pregnant without sexual intercourse.

Mary Magdalene was never married. Not even for a day or a week and yet she was the first person to see Jesus Christ after resurrection.

So, whether you are single never married, or single with children as a result of rejection, separation, divorce or death; stop killing yourself over that; think that without marriage your life is incomplete and is a waste of time. Live your life and enjoy yourself to fullness. If someone comes your way all glory to God size the opportunity and be married, and if no one does, don’t stop loving yourself. Remember, no one will love you if you don’t love yourself.


So many people are single today because their spouse is either in another religion or another denomination, but they are here busy praying that God should bring them a husband or a wife and God is showing t’em someone from another faith or denomination, or someone of another faith or denomination is asking for their hand in marriage and they are rejecting the person and binding the Devils.

My dear, this is not the Devil this is God. God did not create any of the religions you have in the world today; they are all creations of Man, not God. God created human beings, not religion, and so long you cannot see God beyond religion you cannot experience God beyond religion or enjoy God beyond religion. Religion places limitations on God’s manifestations in your life.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph all married from an idol worship family and God still bring about His purpose for their lives. Think about that.


This is one fact they will never tell you in the church. Ruth was never the first wife of Boaz. Boaz was a married Man before he married Ruth and yet, through her, Jesus Christ was born; and according to Matthew 1:5-6 it was said that Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David the King and through David, the King Jesus Christ was born.

Therefore, if you are meant to be a second, third or even tenth wife, you should humble yourself and stop fighting for the first position as a wife or the only wife. As I’d always been saying, knowing your place in destiny and finding purpose in life and fulfilling it is much more important and profitable than quoting scriptures from now till Jesus Christ comes out with any tangible results to show for it.


Waiting for a Man to ask you out might be a waste of your time. If you see a Man that you like and you know is not fixed to any Lady either in a relationship, engagement or marriage, feel free to make your intentions known. Boaz did not notice Ruth at first, Ruth noticed him and positioned herself where she could be found; following the wisdom of Naomi her mother-in-law. And immediately Boaz noticed her he knew exactly what she was saying and he too knew the right thing to do.

So my dear, if you see a Man or Lady that you like, position yourself where he or she can find you and if that is not enough, ask the person out. The answer will either be yes or no it doesn’t kill.


Na my tribe I go marry is a waste of your precious time. Ruth was from Moab, Rahab the Harlot was from Jericho and the two of them married Men from Israel, and not just any Men, but Men of whose loins Jesus Christ will come into the world and save mankind from sin. Salmon her husband was said in Matthew 1:5 begot Boaz by Rahab the Harlot…

Sticking to marrying someone from your tribe or nationality is a waste of time. Stay focused on someone who has your interest at heart and is willing to go all the way with you to see you succeed in life.


David was nothing when Michal was bestowed on him as his wife. Salmon was a nobody when Rahab said I do. Both Michal and Rahab are well-to-do before meeting their husbands. The money and the wealth their husbands do not have but they have skills, and they are passionate about what they are doing.

Yes, I know that there are some human users out there; both Male and Female. But as my grandmother used to say, if you close your eyes to prevent yourself from seeing a bad person passing by, you will not know when a good person will walk past you.

If you are financially okay and you find yourself loving a Man or a Lady who is committed to you and focused on his or her career or business but not well financially, please give such a person all the necessary support you can, that person might be your oil well you never can tell.


Rahab was a prostitute, Ruth was a widow and yet, they both find love, peace and acceptance in the arms of the Men they gave their hearts to. Stop digging into your wife or husband’s to be past. Leave the past in the past.

I was once engaged to a Lady, and before her, I was a friend with a Lady I was so happy with but since I didn’t want my family to make her pay for the sin of the Lady in my life before her, who happened to come from the same area with her, I let go of the relationship. I left the Lady In June, meanwhile, in May of that year we had a chat where I asked her some personal questions which I left on my phone.

I started another relationship with a Lady in July and in October, she came to my house on a Sunday morning when I was in church, brought out the phone and read the messages on the phone, then went back home before I came back from church. Then she told all her family that I was cheating on her. I don’t know where that was coming from.

Anyway, after she had made a mess of the relationship and was trying to mend things, I asked her how she came across the idea of me cheating on her and she told me that she came to the house one Sunday morning and read all the messages on my phone.

Fine, which one is the phone, she said the Tablet. I went to the room, brought it out and asked her to show me the message. She did and I asked her, when did I start going out with you? And she said July. Then I said, can you please tell me the date underline the Text message and she read May 13.

Then I asked, was that message before I met you or after I met you? Before she said. Did I tell you about the Lady I was considering before your Cousin introduced you to me? Yes, you did she said. And who do you think I’m chatting with in that chat? I don’t know she said. Well, that was the same Lady I left because of you. I stood up and I walked her out of my house. I told her to drop my keys and leave.

Don’t dig into your friend’s or spouse’s past, what you might see might not be that comfortable or palatable. Leave the past in the past and live with the present while working towards the future.

I hope I’ve been able to convince you and not confuse you. It is well with us all.

Sam Adeoye ©️

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Oguntade God’s Anointed Ifeoluwa Celebrates a Year of Love and Wishes Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:53:59 +0000 By Ibrahim Kegbegbe In a heartwarming celebration today, Thursday, 30 November 2023, Oguntade God’s Anointed Ifeoluwa marked a significant milestone, turning a year older in a day filled with love and heartfelt wishes. The atmosphere was brimming with joy as Ifeoluwa’s father, radiating pride, expressed his heartfelt wishes for a future adorned with joy, success, […]

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Oguntade God’s Anointed Ifeoluwa

By Ibrahim Kegbegbe

In a heartwarming celebration today, Thursday, 30 November 2023, Oguntade God’s Anointed Ifeoluwa marked a significant milestone, turning a year older in a day filled with love and heartfelt wishes.

The atmosphere was brimming with joy as Ifeoluwa’s father, radiating pride, expressed his heartfelt wishes for a future adorned with joy, success, and countless adventures. “May each day bring you closer to your dreams, my dear Ifeoluwa,” he conveyed with a tender smile.

Ifeoluwa’s mother added to the sentiments, sharing her hopes for a bright and fulfilling future for her son. “Happy birthday, son! May the coming years be as extraordinary as you are. Keep reaching for the stars, and remember that we’re always here to support you.”

The celebration extended beyond the immediate family, with relatives joining in to shower Ifeoluwa with well-wishes and love. Aunty Anuoluwa Sanni spoke fondly, encapsulating her hopes for Ifeoluwa’s new chapter, “As you embrace this new chapter, may you find happiness in every little thing, and may your journey be sprinkled with love and laughter.”

Surrounded by warmth and affection, the birthday boy embarked on his day, knowing he is cherished by those who matter most. The heartfelt messages from family and relatives set the tone for a day filled with celebration, love, and the promise of a bright future. Happy birthday, Ifeoluwa!

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How To Start A New Relationship Wed, 12 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000 By Samuel Omolola Edema Some people came to ask this all important question: how to honestly start a new relationship, especially as half of the year has been spent, what are the basics that is expected of one willing to start a new relationship. As we gradually roll into the year, so many of us […]

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By Samuel Omolola Edema

Some people came to ask this all important question: how to honestly start a new relationship, especially as half of the year has been spent, what are the basics that is expected of one willing to start a new relationship. As we gradually roll into the year, so many of us are looking for new relationships, have high hopes and more importantly are ready to walk the talk! If you are one, then this is for you… but first, this is a follow up to our #DatingSkills Series… in case you are unaware of this click this link

Starting a new relationship actually starts with you… we have said this a billion times and we will say it again… having to start a new relationship that can lead to marriage sincerely starts with you. So let’s look at starting a new relationship like cooking a new big bowl of soup with all the recipes, here are the basics.
Are You Ready And Willing?
Let’s say this as the pot! You need to wash your pot and get it ready for your new soup, in this case, you are the pot! Before you think of starting a new relationship, have you overcome your past hurts? Or are you just going into a relationship so as not to be alone and lonely? So you must be happy within yourself and have a positive mindset. You must have forgiven the person that hurt you and even forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made.
Show Love, Commitment and Faith
Now this is the primary ingredient, the paper, oil and what have you… Do you have these ingredients ready? Are you really ready to show some love, be committed in the relationship and have faith that all things being equal, the relationship will work out? You are not going to be telling your partner that you don’t care if the relationship works or not… you are not going to be saying negative things . No, that is not expected. Create the time that is needed for the relationship to survive, talk often, share details… be willing to do more.
Have Realistic Expectations
Here is the meat, fish, pomo and other major additions to our pot of soup…For a relationship to work, it is essential to be emotionally, mentally and financially strong. Your expectations may differ at the beginning but you must align them to achieve your desired goals.. So, be realistic about situations. State clearly your expectations and know as much as possible what your partner wants from you… more importantly, be sure you can both meet each other’s needs, wants and desires… if you don’t want sex in your relationship, state it clearly.
Don’t Talk About The Future Or Create Needless Fear Prematurely
This is like the additional ingredients where you add salt to taste, seasoning and the rest. When you start a new relationship, bombarding your partner with questions and plans for the future is not how relationships work. There is a big chance that you can put your partner under pressure. You should remember that you are new to this and just starting a relationship.
Again, don’t start a new relationship with all the fears of failing marriages and unhappy couples… it’s okay to have your fears just as you have your hopes, but keep them to yourself, as rightly mentioned above, be positive, have faith!
Enjoy Moments While It Last
Okay, you may not want to hear this, but not every relationship will end in marriage! So while you are in this new relationship, enjoy the moment. Create beautiful times together. Discover your partner and be open as much as possible. Don’t let your past experiences and concerns about the future take away the shine of the exciting present you are sharing with your partner. The best part of a new relationship is often the excitement and fun that you can have with someone. The chemistry between you two should be your focus, not the stress and anxiety about the past and present.
Communicate Effectively
Effective communication in a new relationship can be a big deal, as you are learning how best to talk and understand each other… While we have different communication skills, it is important you learn how you relate and communicate effectively with your partner… if they are not the talking type, understand that long conversation may not work well. So listen more and create conducive situation to encourage talking. Treat effective communication as one of the most important dos and don’ts in a new relationship. It can make or break a relationship depending on whether you do it honestly, respectfully and openly.
It would help if you respected each other’s independence and choices. Although it is alright to keep in touch, be aware of each other’s whereabouts, and communicate, continuously pinging each other can also suffocate at times. It is just that how to start a relationship can be quite complicated and tricky and requires lots of effort. Once you get used to it and know about your partner, it is easier to form a healthy relationship.

Are you just starting a new relationship? What are your challenges? What are your fears? What are the surprises you are already getting? Share with us your previous or current experience, we love to read from you.

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Samuel Omolola Edema
Building Godly Relationships.

Samuel Omolola Edema is a certified relationship educator with over 10 years experience in counseling, and also the founder of ADAM & EVE community on Facebook. Adam and Eve, where we live, love, learn and share our opinions, knowledge and experience on Dating, Relationship and Marriage. Join us with this link

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My 40-Year-Old Marriage ‘Still Dey Leak, We Still Dey Patch Am’- Charly Boy Wed, 28 Jun 2023 13:51:10 +0000 Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly Boy, says his 40-year-old marriage to his wife Diane has not been easy and `still dey leak’ though they are not giving up on each other. Charly  Boy, who took to his Instagram page to give an insight into his marriage, said that every marriage has its issues, including […]

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Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly Boy, says his 40-year-old marriage to his wife Diane has not been easy and `still dey leak’ though they are not giving up on each other.

Charly  Boy, who took to his Instagram page to give an insight into his marriage, said that every marriage has its issues, including his own, adding that he and his wife agreed to never give up on each other.

Charly Boy said further that “marriage is management “and not everyone will get married or get it right.

Below are some of the extracts:

“Some people think say marriage na moimoi.

“How dem fit know say no be everybody God create go marry.

“I don swim many rivers for dis my 40sometin year marriage.

“Don’t for one minute think our marriage is made in heaven. It has been through Hell many times over, we still dey patch am, e still dey leak.

“We have our issues, problems and challenges (never for public consumption)

We disagree on many things sometimes.

“The ONLY Thing we basically Agree on, is never to give up on each other.

We both go die here I think

“Biko enjoy ur weekend for marriage is management.

“May God bless your Union too.’’

While that was Charly Boy’s view his wife was more elaborate on their marriage in a previous interview…

Why do you think celebrities marriages have short life span?

Celebs marriages are not different from any other marriage; however, the bottom-line is that both parties have to know what they want from the start. For most young people it’s about the packaging and never the content. Marriage is about two people who want to stay married no matter the weather, if one person wants it more than the other it won’t work. The ingredients for a fairly decent marriage will be mutual respect, good communication between the couples and good friendship. Thank God that today what we have most is old fashion friendship. My husband is not your typical Nigerian person, above all he listens and he is very sensitive to how I am feeling as my friend and it’s all mutual.

What has kept the fire burning?

Charly can be unrepentantly romantic when he wants to be. Though he hasn’t pulled any stunt to sweep me off my feet recently, but he can be full of surprises. The last time, he asked me to escort him to the airport to receive a certain business partner from the Caribbean. Before I knew what was happening, I was on my way to the Bahamas, Sweden and Dubai, with nothing but my purse. He knows I love romance and from time to time he figures ways to sweep me off my feet. That’s why we try to keep it as youthful and as fresh as we can. We really work at it. It’s not easy but we are determined. Charles woos me with his outlandish and elaborate stunts, and I like it. I always look forward to my birthdays. We are like two buddies.

What has been the hard part of your union?

In the beginning it was the women, my gosh, women everywhere. Charles is a charmer. He had seven kids from his away matches and the women he married that didn’t work out, before we got married. His stubbornness was sometimes obnoxious. During his hay days as a performer, his acts were sometimes so overboard that I will refuse doing his background vocals and we always argued/quarreled about that. But as the years rolled by I found ways of calming him down, and curing my high blood pressure.

I later found out that the women were more for his hypes and pons, like the charly’s ‘girls’. One thing I knew from the beginning was that my husband always wanted to be a family man, after all he grew up seeing both parents together for sixty something years before papa passed on. Much later the women thing totally fizzled out. In the beginning I wasn’t too sure how to deal with all his children from different women, but trust Charles he knows how to put his family together. That’s how I overnight became a mother of 9 children plus my last three.

The only thing that he still does that annoys me till tomorrow is his silence, when he is angry about something. He will lock himself in his room and may not talk to me for days. I can’t deal with that because we talk all the time our communication is on point. He always says he doesn’t want to say the wrong things when he is angry. Otherwise, Charles is the best thing to happen to me and I thank God for that.

Charly Boy and wife 40-years seems like forever, how have you managed?

I have been able to manage very well because of the man I got married to. Charles is a strong family man, a decent gentleman who puts his family first before anything else. He has been a wonderful husband, a good father and a wonderful son to his parents. Charles is the husband every woman dreams about. He is sensitive, he listens, the first to apologize if he is wrong. I love his never say die spirit. I think we were ordained by God to marry each other because we both want the same thing; we are both committed to our marriage. Like they say, it takes two to tango.

However our marriage has not been a bed of roses, we have our issues and challenges, but because we are best of friends, because we are loyal to our commitment we always resolve whatever issue that comes up, to move forward. We don’t have a perfect marriage, no such thing in this world, but we have a friendship that has endured through time.  It has been a long journey and we have had ups and downs within the 40-years that we have been together. But we are happy together. A lot of couples haven’t got that far-we are really privileged. I thank God.

Daily Trust Newspaper

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Are You Truly Available For A Happy And Healthy Relationship And Marriage? Wed, 28 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000 By Samuel Omolola Edema Marriage is a sacred union that requires readiness, commitment, and self-awareness. It is essential to assess certain aspects of ourselves before embarking on this lifelong journey. We explore some key qualities and behaviours that indicate whether an individual is truly available for marriage and that they are the Red flag! By […]

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By Samuel Omolola Edema

Marriage is a sacred union that requires readiness, commitment, and self-awareness. It is essential to assess certain aspects of ourselves before embarking on this lifelong journey. We explore some key qualities and behaviours that indicate whether an individual is truly available for marriage and that they are the Red flag! By reflecting on these traits, individuals can cultivate a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling marital relationship.

The phrase “You Are The Red Flag” is currently trending in our community, all the post state clearly attributes that shows a person is not available for a relationship and exhibiting traits of a red flag… Some of these attributes will be mentioned and discussed here…

  1. You have anger issues, you get angry at little provocation!
  2. You have not discovered yourself well enough and know your assignment on earth!
  3. You have a detailed diary of all the wrong people have done to you!
  4. You find it almost impossible to forgive, you are the “if you do me I do back” type.
  5. Your financial stability is nothing to talk about, you can’t stay out of debt.
  6. You want all the good things that comes with a relationship without any effort.
  7. You are the “lord of the rings” it’s either your way or no way at all!

Don’t expect a miracle in a your relationship if any of these is obviously present in your life. You have to wake up every day to work on these areas of your life if you truly deserve a happy relationship or marriage…

Are You Or Your Partner The Red Flag?
Red flags are behaviours, habits or attitudes that will directly or indirectly affect the peace, stability and health of your relationship… Interestingly, either you or your partner can have these habits. How do you truly know if you or your partner is the red flag? Do you even know the basic and hidden red flags that exist?
Here are some common red flags to look out for in a romantic relationship:

  1. You or your partner tries to control each other or make decisions without the consent of the other.
  2. You or your partner exhibit excessive jealousy or possessiveness to an unhealthy degree.
  3. You or your partner consistently puts one another down or belittles each other, most times annoying the other.
  4. You or your partner has a history of being abusive, either physically, emotionally or verbally.
  5. You or your partner is dishonest or consistently lies to one another or deliberately hide details of events or their past.

These are just a few basic red flags, yet there are several hidden red flags that initially feels good but are as dangerous as any of the above in the long term. One of the commonest hidden red flags is “Your partner isolate you from their friends, families and colleagues! Some will say “I just want a private relationship”. My dear, he or she is hiding something!

Here are some essential qualities showing you are available for a happy and healthy Relationship and Marriage.

  1. Emotional Stability:
    An important aspect of readiness for marriage is emotional stability. If an individual has a tendency to get angry easily or finds it difficult to forgive, it may indicate a need for emotional growth and maturity. Marriage requires patience, understanding, and the ability to navigate conflicts with grace and compassion. So if you have anger issues, you get angry at little provocation, you need to improve your emotional stability.
  2. Self-Discovery:
    You have not discovered yourself well enough and know your assignment on earth, this is for you. Before entering into a lifelong commitment, it is important to have a sense of purpose and personal identity. Understanding one’s passions, strengths, and purpose in life helps individuals bring their best selves to the marriage. Knowing one’s assignment on earth brings clarity and direction, fostering a strong sense of self within the context of a marriage.
  3. Forgiveness and Letting Go:
    You have a detailed diary of all the wrong people have done to you! Forgiveness is a cornerstone of any successful relationship. Holding onto grudges or keeping a record of wrongs can erode trust and hinder the growth of a healthy partnership. Individuals ready for marriage should be willing to forgive and let go of past hurts, creating space for healing and growth within the relationship.

Financial Responsibility:
Being responsible with finances is crucial in building a stable foundation for a marriage. If an individual finds it difficult to stay out of debt or constantly seeks to be pampered and have their way, it may indicate a lack of financial maturity. Developing good financial habits, such as budgeting, saving, and avoiding unnecessary debt, is essential for long-term financial stability within a marriage.

Selflessness and Compromise:
Marriage requires a willingness to put the needs of the partnership above personal desires. Individuals ready for marriage should exhibit a spirit of selflessness and be willing to compromise for the greater good of the relationship. This includes making decisions together, considering each other’s perspectives, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Marriage is a sacred commitment that requires individuals to be emotionally mature, self-aware, and ready to embark on a lifelong journey of love, trust, and growth. The qualities discussed in this article provide a starting point for self-reflection and personal development before entering into marriage. By addressing areas of weakness and cultivating these essential qualities, individuals can increase their readiness for a successful and fulfilling marriage. Remember, marriage is a lifelong partnership, and investing in personal growth and self-improvement lays the foundation for a strong and lasting union.

Don’t Ask If You Don’t Want The Truth!

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Samuel Omolola Edema
Building Godly Relationships.

Samuel Omolola Edema is a certified relationship educator with over 10 years experience in counseling, and also the founder of ADAM & EVE community on Facebook. Adam and Eve, where we live, love, learn and share our opinions, knowledge and experience on Dating, Relationship and Marriage. Join us with this link

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CELEBRATING FATHER’S DAY: The Pillars of Direction, Strength and Love Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000 By SAMUEL OMOLOLA EDEMA Father’s Day is a special occasion that provides an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the significant role that fathers play in our lives. It is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the fathers, father figures, and male mentors who have made a profound impact on our journey. From […]

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Father’s Day is a special occasion that provides an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the significant role that fathers play in our lives. It is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the fathers, father figures, and male mentors who have made a profound impact on our journey. From providing love and support to offering guidance and wisdom, fathers contribute immeasurably to our growth, happiness, and well-being.
A Father’s Love:

A father’s love is a beacon that guides us through life’s ups and downs. It is a love that is steadfast, unconditional, and unwavering. Fathers often work tirelessly to provide for their families, ensuring that we have the necessities and opportunities to thrive. They are our protectors, shielding us from harm and offering a sense of security in an often challenging world.
Teaching and Mentorship:

Beyond their love, fathers serve as invaluable teachers and mentors. They impart valuable life lessons, teaching us the importance of integrity, resilience, and hard work. Fathers instill values, ethics, and principles that shape our character and guide us in making sound decisions. Their wisdom and experience provide a solid foundation upon which we can build our lives.
Emotional Support:

Fathers are not only providers and mentors but also emotional pillars of support. They offer a listening ear, a comforting embrace, and words of encouragement during times of triumph and adversity. Fathers have a unique way of understanding and connecting with their children, fostering emotional well-being and helping us navigate the complexities of life.
Bonding and Shared Memories:

Fatherhood is synonymous with shared experiences, adventures, and cherished memories. Whether it’s playing catch in the backyard, teaching us how to ride a bike, or sharing family vacations, fathers create lasting bonds through quality time spent together. These shared moments build a foundation of love, trust, and camaraderie that enriches our lives and strengthens the family unit.
The Role of Father Figures:

Father’s Day is not limited to biological fathers alone but also extends to father figures who have played pivotal roles in our lives. Grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers, mentors, and older brothers often step into the role of a father, providing guidance, love, and support when needed. Their presence and influence leave an indelible mark on our lives, shaping us into the individuals we become.
Celebrating Father’s Day:

Father’s Day is an occasion to express our deep appreciation and love for the fathers and father figures in our lives. It’s an opportunity to honor their sacrifices, celebrate their accomplishments, and recognize their unwavering dedication to our well-being. There are numerous ways to celebrate Father’s Day, from heartfelt messages and meaningful gifts to spending quality time together and engaging in activities that fathers enjoy.
Father’s Day serves as a reminder to pause and acknowledge the remarkable impact fathers have on our lives. It is a time to express gratitude for their love, guidance, and unwavering support. Let us celebrate Father’s Day by honoring the fathers and father figures who have been pillars of strength, wisdom, and love. Through our appreciation and recognition, we can convey the profound impact they have made and continue to make in shaping our lives and society as a whole.

Celebrate the father’s today, either your biological father, a father figure, a supportive male friend your partner in committed relationship, your husband or the father of your child(ren). Say the best of things to them in the comment section… It will surely get to them… Speak positively and it will reach the universe!

— A Poem By Samuel Omolola Edema #SOE

In the heart of Nigeria, on this special day,
We gather together, our voices in prayer,
For the fathers of our nation, strong and true,
We celebrate you, with gratitude anew.

Oh Nigerian Father, pillar of our land,
With unwavering strength, you firmly stand,
From the ancient walls of Benin City’s might,
To the lush hills of Obudu, bathed in golden light.

From the Niger Delta, where rivers flow,
To the Zuma Rock, towering high, we know,
You protect and guide us with love and care,
Like the Aso Rock, a symbol of strength we share.

Your wisdom, as wise as the Ife bronze,
Your words, like art, inspire us to be strong,
You lead with integrity, like Sultan of Sokoto,
A symbol of respect and honor we shall never outgrow.

From the vibrant Lagos, bustling with life,
To the serene beauty of Osun’s sacred shrine,
You embrace our diversity in tribes and ways,
Uniting us all in the tapestry of Nigeria’s days.

With the rhythm of drums from the Igbo land,
You teach us the value of family, hand in hand,
And from the Yoruba tales of ancient lore,
We learn the lessons of courage, forevermore.

Your love, like coral beads of the Niger Delta,
Adorns us, strengthens us, forever together,
For you are our protector, our guiding light,
A beacon of hope, shining ever so bright.

On this Father’s Day, we bow our heads in prayers!

To the Nigerian Father, with gratitude, we share,
May your journey be blessed, filled with joy and cheer,

As we honor and cherish you, throughout the year.

For in your embrace, our nation finds its worth,
You are the foundation that binds us on this earth,

Oh Nigerian Father, may your spirit forever soar,
For your direction, love and strength, we will forever adore.

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