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Grammy-winning Nigerian singer Burna Boy has denied using songwriters as suggested by Davido’s signee, Logos Olori.

Logos Olori had stated in a recent interview with City 105. Fm, that not just his boss Davido, but Wizkid, Burna Boy and other big artists use songwriters.

He said: “Most people that shame artists for using songwriters don’t know much about the music business. As a musician you tend to write your songs most times when you are up-and-coming. When you’ve 10 shows in a week in different countries, you’ll understand that you need a songwriter.

“Chris Brown has a songwriter, Michael Jackson had a songwriter. Davido is currently on tour immediately after his wedding. He writes his songs sometimes but most times he has to do the business part of it. That’s how Burna Boy is, that’s how most artists are even Wizkid but they don’t just put it out there but if you go to Spotify to check for the credits of their songs, you will see that they use songwriters as well.”

Reacting via his X handle, Burna Boy claimed that he doesn’t use songwriters, stressing that those credited as songwriters on his songs are the producers due to western music policies.

He wrote: “Any name you see credited on my songs are only producers of the songs or featured artists not writers. But for some reason the western world considers producers as writers of the instrumentals and they just throw their names on there as writers. Nobody fit write for Odogwu.”

This contradicts Burna Boy’s public admission a few years back that Davido’s signee, Peruzzi, wrote a song for him.

He claimed back then that Peruzzi was the only songwriter he has ever used.

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MULTIPLE MARRIAGE https://sunrise.ng/multiple-marriage/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=multiple-marriage https://sunrise.ng/multiple-marriage/#respond Sun, 07 Jul 2024 04:25:00 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=96094 I’ve heard many religious leaders, especially in the Church talking down on multiple marriages, I mean a man marrying more than one Wife or a Lady being the second or third Wife, but the truth is, there is nothing wrong with that. The scripture we often quote to back up our wrong teachings about Men […]

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I’ve heard many religious leaders, especially in the Church talking down on multiple marriages, I mean a man marrying more than one Wife or a Lady being the second or third Wife, but the truth is, there is nothing wrong with that. The scripture we often quote to back up our wrong teachings about Men having multiple marriages specifically talks about a Man who desires the office of a Bishop, not the Man who was called by God to be a Bishop because being a Bishop has no place in the five-fold ministries or the Apostolic/Apostles orders, but of a Man that desires to be a Bishop and this is where the problems lie, the very reasons why people can buy the title with money and a paper certificate given to them as a prove of their bishopry even when they Pastor a church that is less than Fifty people and have nothing substantial to offer.

It was clearly stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 that “If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work.

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, able to teach; not given to wine, not an attacker, not greedy of filthy illegal gain; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; one that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) not a novice, lest being lifted with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

It Is a Man who desires the title of a Bishop who is required and mandatory to marry one Wife. If you don’t desire to be a. Bishop and you can take care of the number of Wives you desire to have you are at liberty to marry as many Women as you can care for and love equally. That I doubt because Jesus himself said that you cannot love two people equally. You’ll surely love one more than the other.

I love one thing about Muslims when it comes to the issue of having multiple marriages. In Islam, men are allowed to marry up to four wives, as long as they can treat each wife fairly and equally. This practice is known as polygamy. However, it is important to note that polygamy is not a requirement in Islam, but rather a permission granted under certain circumstances.

Muslims believe that polygamy is allowed in Islam as a way to provide for widows and orphans, to protect women who may not be able to find a suitable husband otherwise, and to address other social and economic issues. It is also believed that polygamy can help maintain family stability and harmony in certain situations.

However, it is emphasized in Islam that a man must treat all of his wives with fairness, kindness, and respect. If a man is unable to do so, he is advised to marry only one wife. Additionally, a woman has the right to consent to a polygamous marriage, and she can include conditions in the marriage contract to protect her rights and ensure fair treatment.

Muslims believe that polygamy is a permissible practice in Islam, but it should be approached with caution and consideration for the well-being of all parties involved.

Even though some Christians leaders made us to believe that polygamy is wrong, I think that the question of whether polygamy is wrong is subjective and can vary depending on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. In some societies and religions, polygamy is accepted and practiced, while in others it is considered unethical or immoral.

From a legal perspective, polygamy is illegal in many countries around the world due to concerns about gender equality, women’s rights, and the potential for exploitation and abuse within polygamous relationships. Critics of polygamy argue that it can lead to unequal power dynamics, jealousy, and emotional harm among spouses and children.

On the other hand, proponents of polygamy argue that it can provide financial and emotional support to multiple partners and their children, and that it can be a valid choice for consenting adults in certain circumstances.

Ultimately, whether polygamy is considered wrong or not is a matter of personal belief and perspective. It is important to consider the rights and well-being of all individuals involved in polygamous relationships and to ensure that all parties are treated with fairness, respect, and dignity.

Some of our Patriarchs of faith are Men of many wives…

Abraham had three wives mentioned in the Bible. His first wife was Sarah, who was also his half-sister (Genesis 20:12). Sarah was unable to bear children for many years, so she gave her maidservant, Hagar, to Abraham as a concubine. Hagar bore Abraham a son named Ishmael (Genesis 16:1-16). Later, Sarah miraculously conceived and gave birth to Isaac, who was the child of promise (Genesis 21:1-7). He later married Keturah following the death of Sarah, his first wife (Genesis 23:2; 25:1).

Jacob – Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel, as well as their handmaids, Bilhah and Zilpah (Genesis 29:15-30).

Moses had two wives mentioned in the Bible. His first wife was Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro, a Midianite priest (Exodus 2:21). Moses married Zipporah after fleeing Egypt and living in Midian for some time. They had two sons together, Gershom and Eliezer (Exodus 18:3-4).

There is also a mention of another wife of Moses in the Bible, but her name is not specified. In Numbers 12:1, it is mentioned that Moses’ sister, Miriam, and brother, Aaron, criticized Moses for marrying a Cushite woman. Some interpretations suggest that this Cushite woman could have been a second wife of Moses, but the details are not explicitly provided in the text.

King David – King David had multiple wives, including Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba, and others (2 Samuel 3:2-5).

King Solomon – According to the Bible, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3).

Gideon – Gideon had many wives and concubines (Judges 8:30).

Elkanah – Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:1-2).

Esau – Esau had multiple wives, including Judith, Basemath, and Mahalath (Genesis 26:34).

Lamech – Lamech, a descendant of Cain, had two wives, Adah and Zillah (Genesis 4:19-23).

These are individuals that God relate with one on one in their days and their impacts both in their generation and after their departure are still very much felt.
Not so many people will accept this and some married Ladies and religious bigotries will come for me, but take it or leave it, not every Lady will marry a single Man and not every Man will marry one Wife. We must understand the fact that life is about destiny, not religion or societal sentiments. If someone’s destiny is to marry a married Man and she’s running away from them she will be the one to suffer it. So also, if it is the destiny of a Man to marry more than one wife and he is sticking to one, he is the one that will suffer it and trust me, destiny has a way of dealing with us all and destiny will not stop until it becomes a reality. If the Wife does not leave, she might die and he will have no other choice than to remarry.

Yemi Akins Olakitan made a valid point on this when I posted a part of this article on Facebook. In his words, “I completely agree with the write up. Destinies defer and not everyone will marry one wife and not every woman will be first wife. There are many women in the church today, age 40 and 50 and there is no husband, no children. So, if a married man comes their way and ask for their hands in marriage, they should quote Bible and reject it? I don’t think so.

Destinies stand. Simply because sister Toke married at 23 to a single man does not mean sister Kemi will be so lucky, hence polygamy.

In the olden days, our women were always married because our fathers marry two or three. But today, what we find is that our men marry one wife but have 10 side chicks and 2 or 3 baby mama. There is nothing wrong with polygamy. Those that cannot cope with it should simply stick to monogamy, one wife. But those who can cope with the arrangement should go ahead. I don’t believe in the doomsday forecast about polygamy.

There are many monogamous marriage that are miserable. Many monogamous marriages ends in divorce. Marrying one wife is not a guarantee that one will have a successful marriage.”

My dear, if a married Man comes your way, grab him with your full chest and if as a Man marrying more than one Wife is your destiny, discuss it with your Wife and have an agreement, but most importantly, be sure that you can take care of her and her children, and your choice for doing so should not be for punishing your Wife or exhibit your ego. Have a good reason for your actions.

Please, note that the Bible does not explicitly condemn polygamy, as there are several instances of polygamous relationships among the patriarchs and kings in the Old Testament. However, it is important to note that the Bible also presents negative consequences and challenges associated with polygamy, such as jealousy, rivalry, and discord within families.

In the New Testament, the teachings of Jesus emphasize the importance of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus quotes from Genesis, stating, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This passage is often interpreted as promoting monogamous marriage. But in the true sense of things, it wasn’t God that said that in Genesis, it was Adam and that made the statement invalid. Second, Adam said “a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Adam was not specifically made mentioned of the number of Wives, he simply said, “a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

Overall, while the Bible does not explicitly forbid polygamy, it is clear that the ideal model of marriage presented in the Bible is monogamous, based on the teachings of Jesus and the principles of love, unity, and faithfulness within marriage.
In John 4:16-18 Jesus says unto the woman by the well, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, You have well said, I have no husband: for you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband: in that said you truly.

This is a Woman who had been married five times and the sixth one is not even married to her yet but they are living together and Jesus Christ still reffered to him as her husband. Let’s explain this.

Marriage is all about peace of mind, happiness and fulfillment. Until you get it you don’t settle down for just Anything because marriage to a troubled person can destroy your life.

Marriage is not paying the bride price on the Lady and the Lady paying dowry on the Man. Once a Man and a Lady live together and have sex together, marriage has already taken place. Marriage is an agreement not a ceremony.

The Woman was in her sixth marriage and Jesus Christ did not lash on her and call her names. Why? Because Jesus Christ understands what destiny is and since that was her destiny, judging her or condemning her decisions to be married multiple times is justified.

Some of our Pastors who are teaching against multiple Wives are products of a second or third Wife. Some are even products of twenty Wife. If their fathers stopped at one as they are preaching today, I’m so sure that the majority of them will never be born. Be wise.

Sam Adeoye

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‘Davido’s marriage not good example’ – Burna Boy https://sunrise.ng/davidos-marriage-not-good-example-burna-boy/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=davidos-marriage-not-good-example-burna-boy https://sunrise.ng/davidos-marriage-not-good-example-burna-boy/#respond Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:02:18 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=96070 Afrobeats singer, Damini Ogulu, popularly known as Burna Boy, has claimed that his colleague, Davido’s marriage isn’t a good example. He stated this while responding to a fan who urged him to emulate the embattled singer and get married soon. Sunrise reports that Davido is currently embroiled in a child custody battle with his first […]

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Afrobeats singer, Damini Ogulu, popularly known as Burna Boy, has claimed that his colleague, Davido’s marriage isn’t a good example.

He stated this while responding to a fan who urged him to emulate the embattled singer and get married soon.

Sunrise reports that Davido is currently embroiled in a child custody battle with his first baby mama, Sophia Momodu.

The DMW boss had on Friday night called out his baby mama, Sophia, for citing the death of his son, Ifeanyi, who drowned in a swimming pool accident at his Lagos mansion, in her counter suit.

Following his outburst, his colleague, Dammy Krane mocked him, saying he now knows the pain his late friend, Tagbo’s mother felt when his son whom he accused Davido of contributing to his death, died.

Burna Boy waded in, asking Dammy Krane to pull down his posts on Davido but he ignored him.

The Grammy-winning singer then wrote on his X page: “‘Odogwu too wise’ who no hear go feel.”

Taking to the comment section, an X user with the handle, @BadLieutenant urged Burna Boy to emulate his colleague, Davido by getting married.

The user wrote, “Burna Boy, you should start planning for your future by getting married and starting a family. OBO has already set an example. You’re over 33 now, and you need to understand that you’re not getting any younger.”

Burna Boy replied, “Baba make I just dey as I dey abeg, u nor see wetin him dey face like dis?”

Another user @RealDreylo then wrote, “You can’t even answer a question like a reasonable person. LOL. Just big head and plenty beards”

Burna Boy responded, “Ok. But between me and you, Shey na betta example the guy use?”

A user, @SunOfOba then asked Burna Boy, “Adekunle Gold na better example?” to which the singer replied, “Ehen! Na wetin we dey pray for be that bros.”

Recall that Davido recently tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend, Chioma, at a lavish ceremony in Lagos.

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Davido: He visited only to have sex – Sophia Momodu tells court https://sunrise.ng/davido-he-visited-only-to-have-sex-sophia-momodu-tells-court/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=davido-he-visited-only-to-have-sex-sophia-momodu-tells-court https://sunrise.ng/davido-he-visited-only-to-have-sex-sophia-momodu-tells-court/#respond Sat, 06 Jul 2024 04:17:00 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=96060 Sophia Momodu, the mother of Davido’s daughter, has told a Lagos State High Court sitting in Sabo, Yaba, not to grant the child’s custody to the musician. Momodu told the court on Friday that the applicant was not fit to be granted custody of their daughter because he is always unavailable and does not possess […]

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Sophia Momodu, the mother of Davido’s daughter, has told a Lagos State High Court sitting in Sabo, Yaba, not to grant the child’s custody to the musician.

Momodu told the court on Friday that the applicant was not fit to be granted custody of their daughter because he is always unavailable and does not possess the ability to dutifully care for her.

She stated this in a counter-affidavit she filed in opposition to Davido’s suit seeking custody.

According to her, while their relationship lasted, Davido never showed true commitment or love towards their daughter.

“He always used the condition of making myself available for his sexual pleasures as a precondition to visit our daughter or show some fatherly love to her.

“The applicant, apart from his cravings for sex, only comes around to spend time with our daughter when he wants to use our daughter for his media stunts or promotions.

“The applicant has always been known to go away and stop communicating with our daughter, to stop making payments for school fees and/or maintenance for our daughter, whenever I refused his sexual advances,” she stated.

The respondent stated that Davido once threw her and their daughter out of his home in Atlanta, US, during a summer holiday in 2017 and they ended up squatting with a friend.

Momodu stated that she never denied Davido access to his daughter and that it was he who chose to be “an absentee father.”

She added that she had been responsible for her accommodation and that the artiste had always had access to their daughter until he chose to abuse it by visiting at odd hours to demand sex.

“When I noticed that the intention of the applicant for coming late at night to my house was not to visit our daughter but to seek sexual favours, even after our relationship had ended, I told him to desist from such late-night visits, as our daughter, who needed to be in school in the morning, would have slept at the time of his late-night visits.

“It was when I refused the applicant’s ingress into my house at ungodly hours of the night on the pretext of visiting our daughter that he decided to stop visiting or calling our daughter and this has been the pattern with the applicant all through his relationship with our daughter.

“Whenever I refused to be his sex slave, he would stop caring for his daughter and abandon her and use the fact of our daughter’s sadness due to his absence to force me to accede to his unwholesome demands.

“I have never stopped the applicant or his family members from coming to visit his daughter, calling or reconnecting with our daughter,” she stated.

The respondent again stated that contrary to Davido’s claim, he has not been faithful in paying their daughter’s school fees, having defaulted in 2021 and 2022, with the school writing to her in January 2023, over unpaid tuition.

“The school wrote via email notifying me that our daughter will not be allowed entry into the school unless all outstanding fees from 2021 to 2023 were paid off,” she said.

Momodu told the court that it was Davido’s father who intervened and paid the school fees.

She stated that contrary to Davido’s claim, she has been the one paying the rent of the apartment where she lives with her daughter, adding that Davido did not buy any house for them.

Momodu said she has been providing the best care for her daughter, despite her father’s negligence and will continue to do so as a loving mother.

The respondent was represented at Friday’s proceedings before Justice A. J. Bashua, by a legal team led by Chief Anthony Idigbe, SAN, of Punuka Attorneys & Solicitors.

Chief Idigbe drew attention to the publication of a hearing notice in a national newspaper by Davido’s legal team, in which the name of his daughter was mentioned four times.

The judge agreed with Chief Idigbe that while the press was free to report, the child’s name ought not to be mentioned at all.

The judge then asked members of the press, litigants and all other counsel not involved in the case to leave the courtroom during the hearing.

Before they left, Chief Idigbe, with the court’s permission, drew the attention of members of the press to Section 143 of the Child’s Rights Law of Lagos State 2015.

It provides that in a case involving a minor: “No person must be allowed to attend court, other than the members and officers of the court and the parties to the case.

It also provides that their solicitors and counsel, parents and guardians of the child and other persons directly concerned in the case were free to be allowed in.”

Chief Idigbe also referred to Section 144 of the law, which prohibits the publication of a child’s name.

The section reads: “No person must publish the name, address, school, photograph, or anything likely to lead to the identification of a child in a matter before the court, except as required by the provisions of this law.”

He further referred to Section 145 of the Child Rights Law, which provides: “The proceedings in the court must be conducive to the best interest of the child and must be conducted in an atmosphere of understanding, allowing the child to express himself and participate in the proceedings.”

Momodu, in the counter-affidavit, also faulted the publication of the suit in a national newspaper.

“The applicant (Davido) in publishing this suit in a national newspaper has exposed our daughter to great danger.

“I would have to implement extra security measures to ensure the continued safety of our daughter in school,” she stated.

At the end of the proceedings, it was learnt that the court referred the case for possible settlement by the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the court during Settlement Week.

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BBNaija Season 9 Premieres July 28 https://sunrise.ng/bbnaija-season-9-premieres-july-28/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bbnaija-season-9-premieres-july-28 https://sunrise.ng/bbnaija-season-9-premieres-july-28/#respond Fri, 05 Jul 2024 20:39:03 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=96065 Nigeria’s much-anticipated reality TV show, Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 9, will be kickstarted on Sunday, July 28, organisers of the show have disclosed. The organisers took to the official social media handles of the reality TV show on Friday to make the announcement. “#BBNaija Season 9 is HERE!This is a must-follow Season!Get ready for […]

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Nigeria’s much-anticipated reality TV show, Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 9, will be kickstarted on Sunday, July 28, organisers of the show have disclosed.

The organisers took to the official social media handles of the reality TV show on Friday to make the announcement.

“#BBNaija Season 9 is HERE!
This is a must-follow Season!
Get ready for double the drama, ships, and HUGE competition!
Cameras 24/7 for 71 days.”

The premiere of the reality TV show is slated for 7pm WAT and it’s being sponsored by Guinness Nigeria Plc.

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CHIVIDO 2024: ‘Money I took home didn’t tally with amount sprayed’ – Davido laments https://sunrise.ng/chivido-2024-money-i-took-home-didnt-tally-with-amount-sprayed-davido-laments/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chivido-2024-money-i-took-home-didnt-tally-with-amount-sprayed-davido-laments https://sunrise.ng/chivido-2024-money-i-took-home-didnt-tally-with-amount-sprayed-davido-laments/#respond Wed, 03 Jul 2024 15:55:28 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=95939 Afrobeats singer, David Adeleke, AKA Davido, has lamented that the money he and his wife, Chioma, took home didn’t correspond with the amount sprayed at their wedding. Sunrise reported that dignitaries from all walks of life stormed Davido’s lavish wedding on June 25, 2024, with many spraying dollar bills due to Nigeria’s Naira mutilation laws. […]

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Afrobeats singer, David Adeleke, AKA Davido, has lamented that the money he and his wife, Chioma, took home didn’t correspond with the amount sprayed at their wedding.

Sunrise reported that dignitaries from all walks of life stormed Davido’s lavish wedding on June 25, 2024, with many spraying dollar bills due to Nigeria’s Naira mutilation laws.

Commenting under a video of guests spraying his money during his wedding, Davido stated that the money sprayed at his wedding didn’t tally with the amount he and his wife took home.

He wrote, “The video of all the money dem spray is and wetin we carry go house no dey tally.” [sic].

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https://sunrise.ng/chivido-2024-money-i-took-home-didnt-tally-with-amount-sprayed-davido-laments/feed/ 0 95939
‘I was robbed in Ibiza’ – BBNaija Kiddwaya narrates ordeal https://sunrise.ng/i-was-robbed-in-ibiza-bbnaija-kiddwaya-narrates-ordeal/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-was-robbed-in-ibiza-bbnaija-kiddwaya-narrates-ordeal https://sunrise.ng/i-was-robbed-in-ibiza-bbnaija-kiddwaya-narrates-ordeal/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 17:42:08 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=95901 Ex-BBNaija star Kiddwaya on Tuesday opened up about an incident of robbery that occurred in his villa in ‘Ibiza’, Spain, where he claimed he was robbed of 70,000 euros and a Birkin bag. Kiddwaya, in a video post on Instagram, said, “What’s up, guys? So something crazy happened last night. For the second time, I […]

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Ex-BBNaija star Kiddwaya on Tuesday opened up about an incident of robbery that occurred in his villa in ‘Ibiza’, Spain, where he claimed he was robbed of 70,000 euros and a Birkin bag.

Kiddwaya, in a video post on Instagram, said, “What’s up, guys? So something crazy happened last night. For the second time, I was robbed in Ibiza at the villa I was staying in.”

The reality TV star further revealed that the robbery occurred around 3:00 am local time, with the perpetrators reportedly gaining access to his room and conducting the theft.

Kiddwaya advised fellow Nigerians travelling to Europe, especially those staying in villas, to exercise caution.

He said, “All my rich Nigerians, when you travel to these places, be careful with all these villas.”

He suggested having additional security personnel and private drivers to avoid potential risks associated with local services.

“Make sure you have bouncers and people walking on the property day and night. Don’t get a regular taxi; always have a private driver,” he cautioned.

Kiddwaya also highlighted concerns about internal threats and called for vigilance.

“Be careful with your maid; she is the one who goes into the room and knows where the money is and where everything is kept.”

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https://sunrise.ng/i-was-robbed-in-ibiza-bbnaija-kiddwaya-narrates-ordeal/feed/ 0 95901
Your multiple arrests can ruin you – BBNaija’s Ka3na warns VeryDarkMan https://sunrise.ng/your-multiple-arrests-can-ruin-you-bbnaijas-ka3na-warns-verydarkman/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=your-multiple-arrests-can-ruin-you-bbnaijas-ka3na-warns-verydarkman https://sunrise.ng/your-multiple-arrests-can-ruin-you-bbnaijas-ka3na-warns-verydarkman/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:22:00 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=95855 Big Brother Naija reality show star, Ka3na Jones, has warned controversial social critic, Martins Otse widely known as VeryDarkMan following his numerous arrests. VeryDarkMan, who is also known as VDM, has faced multiple arrests for cyberbullying and defamation allegations. His latest arrest occurred in Abuja on Sunday, for allegedly defaming an individual accused of scamming […]

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Big Brother Naija reality show star, Ka3na Jones, has warned controversial social critic, Martins Otse widely known as VeryDarkMan following his numerous arrests.

VeryDarkMan, who is also known as VDM, has faced multiple arrests for cyberbullying and defamation allegations.

His latest arrest occurred in Abuja on Sunday, for allegedly defaming an individual accused of scamming a Nigerian in the Diaspora.

It was his third arrest this year.

Reacting to the constant arrests, Ka3na advised that it could stand as a hindrance if he chooses to relocate abroad or get a quality job.

“@verydarkblackman my dear, you need to actually know what you are doing on social media. Only a visionless person would repeatedly let himself be registered in the Nigerian police negatively with countless lawsuits.

“You would understand the impact of this when you choose to seek quality employment or relocate abroad. No country will admit a countless offender of law from his own country. All these arrests are being registered on Google and police database. Please be cautious.”

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Any woman who has child for my son should come forward – Mohbad’s dad https://sunrise.ng/any-woman-who-has-child-for-my-son-should-come-forward-mohbads-dad/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=any-woman-who-has-child-for-my-son-should-come-forward-mohbads-dad https://sunrise.ng/any-woman-who-has-child-for-my-son-should-come-forward-mohbads-dad/#respond Mon, 01 Jul 2024 16:38:38 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=95838 Joseph Aloba, the father of late Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, AKA Mohbad, has made a public call asking for any lady who might have a child with his late son to come forward. He said he would be happy to see that his late son left a child behind. Aloba noted that he is […]

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Joseph Aloba, the father of late Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, AKA Mohbad, has made a public call asking for any lady who might have a child with his late son to come forward.

He said he would be happy to see that his late son left a child behind.

Aloba noted that he is willing to conduct a DNA test to confirm the child’s paternity.

Speaking in a video message shared via his TikTok page, he said: “Any woman on earth that has a child for Mohbad should please come out now. It will be a great joy for me to finally know that my son Mohbad left a child behind and to see my grandchild. All we need to do is to conduct a DNA test.”

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I’m not embarrassed by my past – Tonto Dikeh https://sunrise.ng/im-not-embarrassed-by-my-past-tonto-dikeh/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=im-not-embarrassed-by-my-past-tonto-dikeh https://sunrise.ng/im-not-embarrassed-by-my-past-tonto-dikeh/#respond Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:32:12 +0000 https://sunrise.ng/?p=95804 Nollywood actress turned politician, Tonto Dikeh, has expressed an unapologetic stance on her past. Tonto made her stance known in a post shared on her Instagram page. The actress emphasized that she sees what others might view as scandal or gossip as a testament to her strength and resilience. Recounting her experience, she noted that […]

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Nollywood actress turned politician, Tonto Dikeh, has expressed an unapologetic stance on her past.

Tonto made her stance known in a post shared on her Instagram page.

The actress emphasized that she sees what others might view as scandal or gossip as a testament to her strength and resilience.

Recounting her experience, she noted that she was not embarrassed by anything in her past no matter how challenging they may have been.

She wrote; “I’m not embarrassed about anything I went through. What may be TEA for you, is a Testimony for me. If you want to talk about what broke me, invite me to the table so I can tell you how God used the pieces,” she wrote.

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