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CELEBRATING FATHER’S DAY: The Pillars of Direction, Strength and Love


Father’s Day is a special occasion that provides an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the significant role that fathers play in our lives. It is a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to the fathers, father figures, and male mentors who have made a profound impact on our journey. From providing love and support to offering guidance and wisdom, fathers contribute immeasurably to our growth, happiness, and well-being.
A Father’s Love:

A father’s love is a beacon that guides us through life’s ups and downs. It is a love that is steadfast, unconditional, and unwavering. Fathers often work tirelessly to provide for their families, ensuring that we have the necessities and opportunities to thrive. They are our protectors, shielding us from harm and offering a sense of security in an often challenging world.
Teaching and Mentorship:

Beyond their love, fathers serve as invaluable teachers and mentors. They impart valuable life lessons, teaching us the importance of integrity, resilience, and hard work. Fathers instill values, ethics, and principles that shape our character and guide us in making sound decisions. Their wisdom and experience provide a solid foundation upon which we can build our lives.
Emotional Support:

Fathers are not only providers and mentors but also emotional pillars of support. They offer a listening ear, a comforting embrace, and words of encouragement during times of triumph and adversity. Fathers have a unique way of understanding and connecting with their children, fostering emotional well-being and helping us navigate the complexities of life.
Bonding and Shared Memories:

Fatherhood is synonymous with shared experiences, adventures, and cherished memories. Whether it’s playing catch in the backyard, teaching us how to ride a bike, or sharing family vacations, fathers create lasting bonds through quality time spent together. These shared moments build a foundation of love, trust, and camaraderie that enriches our lives and strengthens the family unit.
The Role of Father Figures:

Father’s Day is not limited to biological fathers alone but also extends to father figures who have played pivotal roles in our lives. Grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers, mentors, and older brothers often step into the role of a father, providing guidance, love, and support when needed. Their presence and influence leave an indelible mark on our lives, shaping us into the individuals we become.
Celebrating Father’s Day:

Father’s Day is an occasion to express our deep appreciation and love for the fathers and father figures in our lives. It’s an opportunity to honor their sacrifices, celebrate their accomplishments, and recognize their unwavering dedication to our well-being. There are numerous ways to celebrate Father’s Day, from heartfelt messages and meaningful gifts to spending quality time together and engaging in activities that fathers enjoy.
Father’s Day serves as a reminder to pause and acknowledge the remarkable impact fathers have on our lives. It is a time to express gratitude for their love, guidance, and unwavering support. Let us celebrate Father’s Day by honoring the fathers and father figures who have been pillars of strength, wisdom, and love. Through our appreciation and recognition, we can convey the profound impact they have made and continue to make in shaping our lives and society as a whole.

Celebrate the father’s today, either your biological father, a father figure, a supportive male friend your partner in committed relationship, your husband or the father of your child(ren). Say the best of things to them in the comment section… It will surely get to them… Speak positively and it will reach the universe!

— A Poem By Samuel Omolola Edema #SOE

In the heart of Nigeria, on this special day,
We gather together, our voices in prayer,
For the fathers of our nation, strong and true,
We celebrate you, with gratitude anew.

Oh Nigerian Father, pillar of our land,
With unwavering strength, you firmly stand,
From the ancient walls of Benin City’s might,
To the lush hills of Obudu, bathed in golden light.

From the Niger Delta, where rivers flow,
To the Zuma Rock, towering high, we know,
You protect and guide us with love and care,
Like the Aso Rock, a symbol of strength we share.

Your wisdom, as wise as the Ife bronze,
Your words, like art, inspire us to be strong,
You lead with integrity, like Sultan of Sokoto,
A symbol of respect and honor we shall never outgrow.

From the vibrant Lagos, bustling with life,
To the serene beauty of Osun’s sacred shrine,
You embrace our diversity in tribes and ways,
Uniting us all in the tapestry of Nigeria’s days.

With the rhythm of drums from the Igbo land,
You teach us the value of family, hand in hand,
And from the Yoruba tales of ancient lore,
We learn the lessons of courage, forevermore.

Your love, like coral beads of the Niger Delta,
Adorns us, strengthens us, forever together,
For you are our protector, our guiding light,
A beacon of hope, shining ever so bright.

On this Father’s Day, we bow our heads in prayers!

To the Nigerian Father, with gratitude, we share,
May your journey be blessed, filled with joy and cheer,

As we honor and cherish you, throughout the year.

For in your embrace, our nation finds its worth,
You are the foundation that binds us on this earth,

Oh Nigerian Father, may your spirit forever soar,
For your direction, love and strength, we will forever adore.

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