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Are You Truly Available For A Happy And Healthy Relationship And Marriage?

By Samuel Omolola Edema

Marriage is a sacred union that requires readiness, commitment, and self-awareness. It is essential to assess certain aspects of ourselves before embarking on this lifelong journey. We explore some key qualities and behaviours that indicate whether an individual is truly available for marriage and that they are the Red flag! By reflecting on these traits, individuals can cultivate a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling marital relationship.

The phrase “You Are The Red Flag” is currently trending in our community, all the post state clearly attributes that shows a person is not available for a relationship and exhibiting traits of a red flag… Some of these attributes will be mentioned and discussed here…

  1. You have anger issues, you get angry at little provocation!
  2. You have not discovered yourself well enough and know your assignment on earth!
  3. You have a detailed diary of all the wrong people have done to you!
  4. You find it almost impossible to forgive, you are the “if you do me I do back” type.
  5. Your financial stability is nothing to talk about, you can’t stay out of debt.
  6. You want all the good things that comes with a relationship without any effort.
  7. You are the “lord of the rings” it’s either your way or no way at all!

Don’t expect a miracle in a your relationship if any of these is obviously present in your life. You have to wake up every day to work on these areas of your life if you truly deserve a happy relationship or marriage…

Are You Or Your Partner The Red Flag?
Red flags are behaviours, habits or attitudes that will directly or indirectly affect the peace, stability and health of your relationship… Interestingly, either you or your partner can have these habits. How do you truly know if you or your partner is the red flag? Do you even know the basic and hidden red flags that exist?
Here are some common red flags to look out for in a romantic relationship:

  1. You or your partner tries to control each other or make decisions without the consent of the other.
  2. You or your partner exhibit excessive jealousy or possessiveness to an unhealthy degree.
  3. You or your partner consistently puts one another down or belittles each other, most times annoying the other.
  4. You or your partner has a history of being abusive, either physically, emotionally or verbally.
  5. You or your partner is dishonest or consistently lies to one another or deliberately hide details of events or their past.

These are just a few basic red flags, yet there are several hidden red flags that initially feels good but are as dangerous as any of the above in the long term. One of the commonest hidden red flags is “Your partner isolate you from their friends, families and colleagues! Some will say “I just want a private relationship”. My dear, he or she is hiding something!

Here are some essential qualities showing you are available for a happy and healthy Relationship and Marriage.

  1. Emotional Stability:
    An important aspect of readiness for marriage is emotional stability. If an individual has a tendency to get angry easily or finds it difficult to forgive, it may indicate a need for emotional growth and maturity. Marriage requires patience, understanding, and the ability to navigate conflicts with grace and compassion. So if you have anger issues, you get angry at little provocation, you need to improve your emotional stability.
  2. Self-Discovery:
    You have not discovered yourself well enough and know your assignment on earth, this is for you. Before entering into a lifelong commitment, it is important to have a sense of purpose and personal identity. Understanding one’s passions, strengths, and purpose in life helps individuals bring their best selves to the marriage. Knowing one’s assignment on earth brings clarity and direction, fostering a strong sense of self within the context of a marriage.
  3. Forgiveness and Letting Go:
    You have a detailed diary of all the wrong people have done to you! Forgiveness is a cornerstone of any successful relationship. Holding onto grudges or keeping a record of wrongs can erode trust and hinder the growth of a healthy partnership. Individuals ready for marriage should be willing to forgive and let go of past hurts, creating space for healing and growth within the relationship.

Financial Responsibility:
Being responsible with finances is crucial in building a stable foundation for a marriage. If an individual finds it difficult to stay out of debt or constantly seeks to be pampered and have their way, it may indicate a lack of financial maturity. Developing good financial habits, such as budgeting, saving, and avoiding unnecessary debt, is essential for long-term financial stability within a marriage.

Selflessness and Compromise:
Marriage requires a willingness to put the needs of the partnership above personal desires. Individuals ready for marriage should exhibit a spirit of selflessness and be willing to compromise for the greater good of the relationship. This includes making decisions together, considering each other’s perspectives, and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Marriage is a sacred commitment that requires individuals to be emotionally mature, self-aware, and ready to embark on a lifelong journey of love, trust, and growth. The qualities discussed in this article provide a starting point for self-reflection and personal development before entering into marriage. By addressing areas of weakness and cultivating these essential qualities, individuals can increase their readiness for a successful and fulfilling marriage. Remember, marriage is a lifelong partnership, and investing in personal growth and self-improvement lays the foundation for a strong and lasting union.

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Samuel Omolola Edema
Building Godly Relationships.

Samuel Omolola Edema is a certified relationship educator with over 10 years experience in counseling, and also the founder of ADAM & EVE community on Facebook. Adam and Eve, where we live, love, learn and share our opinions, knowledge and experience on Dating, Relationship and Marriage. Join us with this link

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