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Sam Adeoye

Sometimes we don’t know what God is doing for us especially when our lives seem not to be going as expected. Many times, we’re the undoing of ourselves. The challenges and the difficulties we face in life, we ignorantly brought it upon ourselves. As a Pastor, I’ve had the opportunity to hear so many things and as a person, I’ve seen lots of things myself to know that life is what we make it be for ourselves.

Recently, two of my friends called me to lament about their situations and how annoying it is for them to move on in life.


Sam, is this life? I’m tired. Nothing is going on right in my life. I can’t even tell people that Jesus is Lord. I can preach to people that God cares about them. I can’t encourage people anymore because I need the encouragement myself. Pastor Sam, I’m tired. I feel like ending it all.

I smiled and said to him, Jesus Christ did not ask you to preach, He asked you to be a witness of Him. To be a witness means to share with others some of the things you’ve benefited from serving God. If you’ve not benefitted anything, then keep quiet and just invite people to come and enjoy the love of God with you. But unfortunately, they are already because it takes the love and the mercy of God to be alive and stay alive.

You have your eyes on other people’s lives and not yours that is why you know all that is going on well with them and failed to recognize all that God is doing in your own life. Stop looking at others because you have no idea of what they are doing that you cannot do and aside from that, you don’t have the same destiny and purpose in life. So stay focused on yourself.


Pastor Sam, do you think it’s worth serving God?

100.1% I said. What happened?

Sir, my life is not progressing. Spiritual attacks are everywhere. I work hard. I pay my tithes, and offerings and even support missions. I obeyed all the scriptures and aligned myself with the laws of the Lord and nothing is working. I can’t even feed myself and my family. In days now we’ve not eaten. Sir, I don’t know what else to do.

Hmmm, have you read Haggai 1:6-9 before?

No, Sir, he responded.

Well, as you were talking, that is the Scripture God gave me and it reads; “You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways! Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,” says the Lord. “You looked for much, but indeed it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” says the Lord of hosts. “Because of My house that is in ruins, while every one of you runs to his own house.”

You are the house of the Lord, you are the temple of the Lord, not the meeting place you go and you are called a house of God. You work and you put all your earnings into support of another Man’s ministry when your ministry which is your life and family Is wasting away.

How long have you been working in your office?

Ten years he said

How long have you graduated from the University?

Fifteen years ago.

What other qualifications do you have aside from your BSc?

None sir.

Not even a short certification program?

None Sir he said. Then I said to him, I’m sure you are still in the same position you were hired for Ten years ago?

Yes Sir. He said. Then I said to him, you’re my brother and my friend. I’m glad to inform you that you are not wise. In Ten years, you’ve made zero investments in yourself and you want God to bless you? No way, it will never happen. Look for money, go for your Masters, and do short courses online that’s how to make progress. When you are done, inform the HR Manager in your office and show the person the certificate you received. Register for a program at Stanford University, Yale University or Harvard University. Nigerian companies are crazy with anything from abroad.

I don’t have money he said and I said to him, you have more than enough money you don’t just know because you waste it. Before registering for the course, put a stop to all the channels you waste your money starting from this month and let’s see what will happen.

He did. Registered for a Short course at Harvard University, after the course, he presented his Certificate to the HR Manager. The Guy was surprised to receive a letter two weeks later; he was made a manager. And that was the end of the lamentation.

Ignorance is the reason why my people suffer in life. The majority of us are quick to blame God, Satan, the Devil and enemies for what is happening to us meanwhile we are the problem, the very architect responsible for our own sufferings and not any of these beings.

Life is the existence and experience of living organisms, including humans. It encompasses a wide range of activities, emotions, and experiences, and is often characterized by growth, change, and the pursuit of fulfillment and happiness. Life be complex and challenging, but it also offers opportunities for learning, love, and personal development. Now, none of these matters when a simple ingredient to a life of fulfilment is lacking; Gratitude.

An attitude of gratitude is a mindset of appreciation and thankfulness for the positive aspects of one’s life. It involves focusing on the good things, big or small, and acknowledging the blessings we have received. Having an attitude of gratitude can lead to increased happiness, healthier relationships, and a more positive outlook on life. Practising gratitude regularly through activities such as journaling. Meditation, or expressing thankfulness to others can help cultivate this mindset.

Gratitude towards God can have numerous benefits, including:

Strengthened Relationship: Gratitude towards God can deepen one’s relationship with the divine. It provides a way to express appreciation for the blessings and guidance received, fostering a sense of connection and closeness.

Sense of Purpose: Gratitude towards God can help individuals recognize their purpose and meaning in life. By acknowledging the blessings and opportunities provided by a higher power, one can feel more purposeful and aligned with their divine destiny.

Increased Inner Peace: Gratitude towards God can bring inner peace and serenity. It enables individuals to let go of worries and uncertainties, trust in a higher power and feel a sense of contentment and trust.

Enhanced Faith: Gratitude towards God can strengthen one’s faith and belief in a higher power. Recognizing and appreciating the divine intervention and blessings can increase faith, providing comfort and reassurance.

Positive Outlook: Practicing gratitude towards God can help individuals cultivate a positive outlook on life. By focusing on the blessings and positives, one can shift their perspective from negativity to gratitude, leading to greater resilience and optimism.

Gratitude towards God can bring spiritual enrichment, emotional well-being, and a sense of fulfilment and connection with the divine. Gratitude towards human beings also has its benefits and it’s often…

Strengthened Relationships: Expressing gratitude towards others strengthens social connections and fosters a sense of closeness and bonding. It helps to build positive relationships and deepen connections with friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones.

Improved Mental Health: Practicing gratitude towards others has been linked to improved mental health and well-being. Regularly expressing thankfulness can boost feelings of happiness, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and increase overall psychological well-being.

Increased Empathy: Gratitude towards others can enhance empathy and compassion. Acknowledging and appreciating the kindness and help of others fosters a deeper understanding and consideration for their feelings and experiences.

Encourages Kindness: Gratitude towards others can inspire a ripple effect of kindness. When we express appreciation for others, we may encourage them to do the same, creating a cycle of kindness and positivity in our relationships and communities

Positive Energy: People who regularly practice gratitude towards others tend to radiate positive energy and attract more positivity into their lives. Gratitude not only benefits the recipient but also enhances the well-being of the person expressing thanks.

Gratitude towards human beings can lead to stronger relationships, improved mental health, increased empathy, and the promotion of kindness and positivity in interactions with others. Cultivating a grateful attitude towards those around us can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

When people lack the attitude of gratitude, they may experience various negative consequences in different areas of their lives

Increased Negativity: Failing to practice gratitude can lead to a negative mindset, focusing more on problems and shortcomings rather than blessings and positives. This negative perspective can impact overall mood and well-being.

Strained Relationships: The lack of gratitude towards others can strain relationships and lead to feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction among friends, family members, or colleagues. People may feel unappreciated and undervalued when gratitude is absent.

Decreased Mental Health: Without the attitude of gratitude, individuals may be more susceptible to feelings of unhappiness, depression, or anxiety. Focusing on what is lacking rather than what is present can contribute to poor mental health outcomes.

Reduced Resilience: Gratitude can help build resilience in the face of challenges and adversity. Without a grateful attitude, individuals may struggle to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments, as they may struggle to find silver linings or positive aspects in difficult situations.

Diminished Satisfaction: Lack of gratitude can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction with life. Without appreciating the good things around them, individuals may feel a lack of fulfilment and purpose, making it difficult to experience true happiness and contentment.

Not having an attitude of gratitude can have detrimental effects on overall well-being, mental health, relationships, and resilience. Practising gratitude and actively cultivating a sense of appreciation can help counter these negative consequences and lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.

Several people in the Bible displayed a strong attitude of gratitude. Some examples include:

David: King David, known for his songs of praise and thanksgiving in the Book of Psalms, expressed deep gratitude towards God for His blessings and faithfulness.

Paul: The apostle Paul frequently expressed gratitude in his letters to the early Christian churches, giving thanks for their faith, perseverance, and spiritual growth.

Mary, the mother of Jesus: Mary demonstrated gratitude and humility when she praised God for choosing her to bear the Messiah in the Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55.

The Samaritan leper. In the gospel of Luke 17:11-19, Jesus healed ten lepers, but only one, a Samaritan, returned to thank Him. Jesus commended the Samaritan for his gratitude and faith.

Hannah: In the Book of Samuel, Hannah expresses gratitude to God for answering her prayers and blessing her with a son, Samuel, whom she dedicated to serving the Lord (1 Samuel 1:26-28).

Job: Despite facing great loss and suffering, Job maintained his devotion and gratitude towards God, acknowledging His sovereignty and faithfulness in all circumstances.

These biblical heroes demonstrate the impact of having an attitude of gratitude towards God and others, and how expressing thankfulness can lead to deeper spiritual growth and relationship with God. On the other hand, we have some individuals with zero gratitude attitudes; and even in this generation we still have a larger percentage of individuals who are never grateful for anything. Some of the examples of such are…

Cain after God rejected his offering, Cain became angry and refused to show gratitude for what he had.

King Nebuchadnezzar – despite witnessing many miraculous events orchestrated by God, he failed to recognize God’s sovereignty and give thanks.

Israelites in the wilderness – despite being miraculously delivered from Egypt, they grumbled and complained repeatedly instead of being grateful.

Pharisees and religious leaders – despite witnessing Jesus’ miracles and teachings, they refused to acknowledge him as the Messiah and were ungrateful for God’s grace.

The rich man who refused to help Lazarus in Luke 19 – showed no gratitude or compassion toward a beggar in need.

God is bigger on the attitudes of gratitude and the Bible is filled with verses that encourage gratitude toward God such as:

Thessalonians 5:18; “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”


Psalm 107:1; “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Colossians 3:17; “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Ephesians 5:20; “always thanking God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Psalm 100:4; “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

God desires for us to have hearts full of gratitude, acknowledging His blessings, love, and faithfulness in our lives. When we are grateful, it reflects our trust, dependence, and submission to God. Ultimately, gratitude leads us closer to God and brings us peace and joy.

Practicing gratitude towards personal achievements can have several positive effects on an individual’s well-being and overall outlook on life. Some benefits of expressing gratitude for personal accomplishments include:

Increased Happiness: Gratitude has been linked to increased levels of happiness and a more positive outlook on life. Recognizing and acknowledging your achievements can boost your mood and overall satisfaction with life.

Improved Self-Esteem: Reflecting on and showing gratitude for your accomplishments can boost your self-esteem and confidence. It reinforces the belief in your abilities and talents, leading to a more positive self-perception.

Motivation and Resilience: Gratitude can motivate you to continue striving for more personal achievements. By recognizing and celebrating your successes, you are more likely to keep pushing yourself towards further goals and be resilient in the face of challenges.

Stress Reduction: When you focus on the positives and express gratitude for your achievements, it can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calmness. Gratitude shifts your attention away from negative thoughts and focus on what you have achieved rather than what you lack.

Better Relationships: Gratitude can strengthen relationships and social connections. Sharing your achievements with others in a grateful manner can enhance your bonds with friends, family, and peers. It fosters a positive and supportive environment that encourages further personal growth.

Increased Well-Being: Gratitude has been associated with improved mental and physical health. Being grateful for your achievements can contribute to overall well-being and a sense of fulfilment in life.

Incorporating gratitude practices into daily life, especially towards personal achievements, can have a transformative impact on your well-being and mindset. By celebrating and expressing appreciation for your accomplishments, you lay the foundation for continued growth, success, and fulfilment.

What is Gratitude? For me, gratitude is the quality of being thankful, appreciative, and showing kindness in response to receiving something or experiencing a positive event. It involves recognizing and acknowledging the good in one’s life, whether tangible elements such as relationships, accomplishments, material possessions, or intangible blessings like health, love, or moments of joy.

Gratitude goes beyond mere politeness or saying “thank you.” It is a deeply felt emotion and attitude of appreciation towards all aspects of life, regardless of the size or perceived significance of the gift received or the event experienced. Gratitude involves a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, focusing on what one has rather than what is lacking.

Practising gratitude has numerous psychological, emotional, and social benefits. It can increase feelings of happiness, reduce stress and anxiety, improve relationship satisfaction, enhance overall well-being and mental health, and build resilience. Cultivating a sense of gratitude often involves mindfulness and intentional focus on the positive aspects of one’s life, fostering an attitude of thankfulness for past, present, and future blessings.

In essence, gratitude is the act of recognizing, appreciating, and giving thanks for the many ways in which goodness enters our lives, transforming our perspective on ourselves and the world around us.

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