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Sam Adeoye

A friend by the name of Boluwatiwi Ayo-Opaleke said “Every style of leadership relies on competency and character. Although the competency-character ratio differs for each approach, competency is a cornerstone of effective leadership.

Competency is how well you put your knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, and expertise to use.

I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of competency-based leadership in driving positive change within organizations. This is not to discount the role that character plays in equally driving positive change. In fact, in many instances, efficiency is ruined by poor character even in the face of great capacity.

Leaders who understand the role of competency know that it’s not just about having the right qualifications on paper but also about continually honing and developing your skills. Great leaders strive for excellence and embrace continuous learning. By modelling competence, you can inspire and challenge those you lead to do the same. This is what it means to lead purposefully.

Rarely will anyone follow only a do-as-I-say leader who has zero knowledge and competency in key areas. Having great character alone does not guarantee effectiveness and efficiency. Yes, it is a nightmare to have competent hands with sh*ty character and attitudinal issues, but having a to-die-for attitude does not make up for incompetence.

Balance ties it all in. Build character but, by all means, build competence, too!”

Leadership is the ability to inspire and guide a group of people towards a common goal or vision. A good leader motivates others to work collaboratively. Towards a shared objective while also fostering a G supportive and positive work environment. A strong leader possesses qualities such as decisiveness, strategic thinking, communication skills, empathy, and resilience. Leadership is crucial in business, politics, organizations, and many other contexts where individuals must work together to accomplish their goals.

Leadership is the process of influencing and guiding individuals or a group towards achieving a common goal. It involves setting a direction, inspiring others to follow that direction, and facilitating their efforts to achieve objectives. A leader is someone who motivates and empowers others, articulates a clear vision, makes decisions, and serves as a role model. Leadership can take on various forms and styles depending on the situation and the individuals involved, but at its core, effective leadership is about inspiring others to do their best and work towards a shared purpose.

Who is a leader? In my opinion, a leader is someone who possesses influence, vision, and the ability to inspire and guide others towards achieving a goal or a common purpose. Leaders can emerge in various scenarios and contexts, such as in business, politics, sports, community organizations, and more. A leader is proactive, decisive, communicative, and able to build relationships with others. Leaders may have different styles of leadership, such as transformative, autocratic, democratic, or servant leadership, but they all share the common ability to bring individuals together and drive them towards a shared objective. Characteristics of a good leader may include charisma, empathy, integrity, accountability, and resilience. Ultimately, a leader is someone who brings out the best in others and helps them to achieve their full potential.

To bring out the best in others, a leader must also possess some qualities that will stand him/her out among others, and several important qualities define a successful leader. Such as…

Vision: A leader has a clear vision of where they want to go and what they want to achieve, and can communicate this vision effectively to others.

In Hab 2:2-3 God said to Habakkuk; “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end, it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Another translation says; “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming — it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”

The question Is, what can you see about your life and your future? Whatever you see is the vision you have for your life.

So many qualities characterise a leader, and the characteristics to which a leader is formed determine their levels of achievement. A leader without a vision is a leader on no mission. A clear and inspiring vision that motivates others and drives them towards a common goal. But aside from vision, a leader also needs…

Integrity: Leaders act ethically, demonstrate honesty, and build trust with their team through their actions.

King Solomon said; “Wicked people bring about their downfall by their evil deeds, but good people are protected by their integrity.” Prov 14:32. “The integrity of the honest keeps them on track; the deviousness of crooks brings them to ruin.” Prov 11:3. “Love and truth form a good leader; sound leadership is founded on loving integrity.” Prov 20:28. The question here is, “Are we a person of integrity?”

Emotional Intelligence: Good leaders possess emotional intelligence, allowing them to understand and manage their emotions and those of others effectively.

Communication Skills: Leaders can convey their vision, goals, and expectations clearly and listen actively to others’ viewpoints.

Confidence. A leader exudes confidence in their decisions and abilities, which helps to inspire trust and direction within their team.

Resilience: Leaders can face challenges, setbacks, and failures with confidence and resiliency, staying focused on long-term goals.

Empathy: Strong leaders show empathy towards their team members, understanding their perspectives and needs while providing support and encouragement.

Adaptability: Excellent leaders can adapt to changes, adjust strategies as needed, and stay open to new ideas and perspectives.

Decision-making skills: Leaders make timely and informed decisions, taking input from their team while also displaying assertiveness and strategic judgment.

Accountability: Leaders take responsibility for their actions and decisions, owning mistakes and demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability.

These characteristics collectively contribute to an effective and inspiring leadership style that can positively influence and drive a team or organization towards success. While different leaders may exhibit these qualities to varying degrees, integrating these characteristics can enhance one’s leadership abilities and make a significant impact on team dynamics and outcomes.

One major question we all need to ask ourselves is; “Who is a leader?” In my honest opinion, I believe a leader is someone who possesses influence, vision, and the ability to inspire and guide others towards achieving a goal or a common purpose. Leaders can emerge in various scenarios and contexts, such as in business, politics, sports, community organizations, and more. A leader is proactive, decisive, communicative, and able to build relationships with others. Leaders may have different styles of leadership, such as transformative, autocratic, democratic, or servant leadership, but they all share the common ability to guide or direct others within a group or organization towards a common goal or vision; with their influential qualities and the ability to inspire and motivate others to work towards a common purpose.

Competency is key in leadership. As I said earlier, leadership is the ability to inspire, so also, it is the ability to navigate a group towards a common goal or vision. It involves skills such as effective communication, good decision-making, problem-solving, and the ability to motivate and empower others to reach their full potential

Competency, on the other hand, refers to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that enable individuals to perform their job or specific tasks effectively. Competencies can be technical, cognitive, interpersonal, or motivational and are essential for success in a particular role or field.

Leaders need to possess both leadership skills and competencies to be effective in their roles. Having strong competencies allows a leader to understand the complexities of their job and industry, while effective leadership skills enable them to inspire and guide their team towards achieving their goals. Ultimately, a combination of strong leadership and competencies is key to driving success and creating positive outcomes in any organization.

Competency is generally understood as the ability or capacity to perform a particular job, role, or task successfully. It refers to the specific knowledge, skills, and attributes that are needed to effectively accomplish a specified role or function within an organization. Competencies can be categorized into various areas, including technical skills, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving skills. Communication skills, adaptability, leadership abilities, and more.

Competencies are an important aspect of talent management, training and development, performance evaluation, and succession planning in organizations. By defining and assessing competencies, organizations can better understand the skills and abilities that are required for success in different roles within the organization and determine the gaps that exist between employees’ current skills and the necessary capabilities.

Competencies are an important aspect of talent management, training and development, performance evaluation, and succession planning in organizations. By defining and assessing competencies, organizations can better understand the skills and abilities that are required for success in different roles within the organization and determine the gaps that exist between employees’ current skills and the necessary capabilities.

Competency-based frameworks and models are often used in recruitment and selection processes to ensure that candidates possess the necessary qualifications for a job. Additionally, competency assessments are also used to identify strengths and areas for improvement in employee performance, inform training and development programs, and support individual development plans to enhance employees’ skills and competencies to meet both current and future organizational needs.

Being competent and having good character traits are crucial for success and meaningful relationships in both personal and professional contexts. Here are some reasons why competency and good character are important

Trustworthiness: Having good character traits such as honesty, integrity, and consistency builds trust with others. Trust is essential in all relationships, and being reliable and true to your word fosters strong connections with others.

Respect and reputation: Being competent in your work or skills showcases your abilities and generates respect from others. Coupled with good character traits, such as respect for others, humility, and empathy, you are more likely to build a positive reputation and have the support and trust of your peers.

Leadership and influence: Competency and character are essential for effective leadership. A leader who demonstrates both strong skills and honourable traits inspires and motivates their team to achieve common goals while earning respect and loyalty.

Conflict resolution: Competency in communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence can help navigate conflicts within

Relationships. Additionally, having good character traits like patience, understanding and fairness allows for more constructive communication and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively.

Continuous growth and improvement: Being competent in your skills and knowledge allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and

Continue learning and growing in your personal and professional endeavours. Incorporating good character traits such as openness to feedback, resilience, and a growth mindset can further enhance your personal development and overall success.

Being competent in your craft and possessing good character traits go hand in hand in shaping your reputation, building trusted relationships, and fostering personal growth. Striving to develop both your skills and moral attributes contributes to your overall success, fulfilment, and positive impact on those around you.

It Is important to know that no leader can excel with just competency without character. While competency is essential for a leader to excel in their role, having strong character traits is equally important in building successful relationships and creating a positive organizational culture. Competency helps a leader effectively carry out their responsibilities, make sound decisions, and achieve results. However, character traits such as integrity, transparency, empathy, humility, and fairness are essential for gaining the trust and respect of followers.

Leaders who lack character traits may struggle to build trusting relationships with their team members, colleagues, and stakeholders. They may come off as untrustworthy, self-serving, or out of touch with the needs and values of those they lead. Without strong character, a leader’s competency may not be enough to sustain their leadership effectiveness in the long term.

Good character also helps a leader navigate challenging situations with grace, showcase authenticity, and exhibit ethical behaviour. It plays a key role in inspiring and influencing others positively.

Therefore, while a leader can excel with strong competency alone, they may face limitations in building lasting trust, fostering a positive organizational culture, and truly inspiring and motivating their team without the support of good character traits. Ultimately, the combination of competency and character is essential for leaders to thrive and make a positive impact on their organizations and those they lead.

These and many more are the things that made King David stand out among many of his contemporaries and even though he died many centuries ago, his impacts and influence are still very much with us even now and in the many generations to come.

King David, an important biblical figure in both Jewish and Christian traditions, is celebrated for his remarkable leadership qualities and acts of courage, faith, and repentance. Here are some key leadership qualities exemplified by King David in the Bible:

Strong Faith: David is portrayed as a devout man of faith who constantly sought guidance and protection from God. His many Psalms reflect his unwavering trust in God amidst hardship and uncertainty.

Courage and Boldness: From defeating the giant Goliath to leading the Israelite army to victory in countless battles, David exemplified courage, bold decision-making, and fearlessness in the face of adversity.

Humility: Despite his rise to power and influence as king, David remained humble and submitted to God’s authority. He sought forgiveness when he made mistakes and valued feedback from contemporary prophets like Nathan.

Wisdom and Strategic Thinking: David displayed wisdom and astute judgment in governance, conflict resolution, and decision-making. His leadership was characterized by foresight, sound planning, and shrewd assessment of situations.

Compassion and Loyalty: David demonstrated deep loyalty and compassion to his friends, trusted advisors, and even his enemies. He upheld the values of justice and mercy, showing kindness to people in need.

Inspirational Leadership: As a poet and musician, David had a charismatic personality and connected with people’s emotions through his Psalms. He inspired his followers with his words, actions, and example, fostering devotion and loyalty among his people.

Despite his successes, King David was also depicted as a flawed human being, demonstrating qualities of passion, deception, and even betrayal. Yet, his greatest legacy lies in his receptiveness to God’s forgiveness and redemption, continually striving to live according to God’s will.

David’s leadership model combines strength and vulnerability, courage and humility, faith and repentance, making him a unique and resonant figure of inspired leadership in biblical narrative.

It is important to let us realise that there are no perfect human beings therefore there cannot be a perfect leader. Every leader must have his or her shortcomings. If you have any as a leader which you must surely do, don’t deny it, recognize it, embrace it and seek relevant information, suggestions, ideas and corrects to correct or manage it. If we as a follower get to know our leader’s shortcomings, we should not use them against them, rather, we should seek avenues to help them overcome them after all, we are not perfect ourselves.

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